I Am Ready

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I am Ready When the waitress asks you if you are ready and you reply, “Not yet,” what happens? Nothing. She waits until you are ready. Once you order, then she can get into action on your behalf. What do you think happens when we tell God and the Universe that we are not ready […]


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Fear When we experience fear, we can respond in one of two ways. We can let go (the useful choice). Or, we can twist and contort, doing everything we can to avoid feeling that fear (unsuccessfully I might add). Crazily enough, we’ve decided that avoiding and ignoring the fear is the way to go, the […]

Badge of Honor?

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Badge of Honor? Is hard work really the badge of honor that we think it is? Yes there is a time and place for hard work. And, when struggle and effort enter the picture and it feels like we are pushing a boulder uphill, we probably are. Then it is time to stop and ask: […]

How To Do A Better Job

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How to do a better job Do any of the following sound like strategies you would employ if you wanted to do a better job and improve performance, productivity, and efficiency? Decrease creativity Lower resiliency Decrease confidence Decrease optimism Decrease the speed at which you process information Decrease the amount of information you can process […]

Make Yourself Irresistible To What You Want

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So much has been written about how to get what you want and about how to use the law of attraction. And yet, so often we struggle (or even fail) to get what we want? What’s up with that? Although there are a large number of things that could be causing this, chances are good […]

Time to Re-evaluate the Purpose of Your Business???

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What is the purpose of your business (career)? Take a moment and answer this question before you read on. If you are like most people, your answer will be along the lines of: * I get to do what I love. * Create a lifestyle for myself. * I make people’s lives better. * I […]

The Law of Attraction in Times of High Uncertainty

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The Law of Attraction in Times of High Uncertainty Stating the obvious, we are experiencing a period of high uncertainty and most people are “freaking out” about it. The big problem with “freaking out” is that worry, anxiety and panic never improve a situation.  The basic premise of The Law of Attraction is that whatever […]

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

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. Mirror Mirror on the Wall . You have an image of yourself inside your head, your Self Image . This image acts as the ultimate instruction manual for your life.  It provides the rules of operation by which you live. Your thoughts, behaviors and actions are all consistent with your self image. Now here’s […]

A Walk With Money

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. A Walk With Money Money!  That’s a topic that is seldom far from people’s minds. How do I get more of it? How do I get my money to work for me? How do I make myself attractive to money? Your relationship with money, whether good or bad, whether fulfilling or unfulfilling, is primarily […]

Trust . . . What Does It Really Mean?

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. Trust . . . What Does It Really Mean Trust is a concept that seems to create quite a bit of confusion. I often see this with my clients.  They have non-conscious programming that it is not okay to trust others, that it is not safe to trust others, or that they are not […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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