Life first aid

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Life first aid Oftentimes things like worry, anxiety, guilt, shame, and stress can be eliminated or at least alleviated by just simply changing perspective and creating some clarity. Sometimes this can even be accomplished in as little as a 5-minute conversation. It is important to have someone in our lives who can provide this life […]

The impact we have on others ~ unconsciously offensive

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The impact we have on others ~ unconsciously offensive I had an overnight flight last night from Manila to Port Moresby. The guy sitting in front of me seemed to need to readjust himself about every 5 minutes. And, he seemed intent on doing it in the most forceful way possible. It was like he […]

Putting out fires vs. taking care of business

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Putting Out Fires vs. Taking Care of Business We will have stuff come up in our lives – the flat tires, the appliances that need replacing, the sick kid who rearranges your schedule, unforeseen urgencies that demand time, attention, and resources . . . These things will happen. But, we get to choose how we […]

I’ve been working on the railroad

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I’ve Been Working on the Railroad Imagine working on a railroad crew back in the days when they were building the first transcontinental railway. The engineers and the surveyors knew where the railroad was going and what was up ahead. But for the vast majority of the workers, the job was just to lay that […]

Relationship between gratitude and scarcity

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Relationship Between Gratitude and Scarcity Any time that we are not grateful, we are basically saying that this is not enough. And, “not enough” is scarcity talk. In addition to all the other benefits of gratitude, gratitude also takes us out of scarcity and into sufficiency and even abundance. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out […]

Identity Hit

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Identity Hit A recent client had taken an identity hit. About five years ago a few different things happened and he started to think less highly of himself, what he thought was possible diminished, his confidence and belief in himself decreased, and his joy and happiness took a beating. Of course, none of these changes […]

First choices and first impressions

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First Choices and First Impressions Regardless of the first impression (or second or third or…) someone makes, we still get to choose how we look at that person. We can look through eyes of love, kindness, and compassion.  Or, we can look through other eyes. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this […]

No curses accepted here

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No Curses Accepted Here People are cursing each other all the time and don’t even realize it. When we hear something like ~ “You cannot do that” or “That doesn’t happen to people like us” or “It isn’t going to work” or letting us know that there’s something wrong with us or . . . […]

Force fields are way better than armor

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Force fields are way better than armor   We were born loved and loving.  Then we had some experiences, were judged, experienced disapproval etc and we started to forget the truth about us.   Because these things hurt, we started putting on armor. However, the armor doesn’t really work. We keep getting hurt.    We need […]

Simple pleasures

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Simple pleasures  If we cannot enjoy and be grateful for the simple pleasures, (like a smile, a sunrise, a hot shower, a comfortable bed, nature, etc.) then we probably won’t truly be able to enjoy the bigger things in life. And, the simple pleasures are available all the time. I may be wrong, but I […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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