10 out of 10 would agree 10 out of 10 people would agree that what that person did was not okay – or at least that was what I was telling myself. But, would all 10 really agree that what this person did was inappropriate? I didn’t actually survey anybody. I just made it up […]
10 out of 10 would agree
We’ve all got our stories

We’ve All Got Our Stories I’ve got a friend who is talented, kind, successful, loved, respected, appreciated, and blessed. And this friend also has a personality quirk that does not at all fit with the things mentioned in the previous sentence. I had wondered about this incongruity and then I learned his back story. Instantly, […]
The strongest force in your life ~ your self image

The Strongest Force in Your Life ~ Your Self Image Maxwell Maltz, author of Psycho Cybernetics, said that it is impossible to out-perform your self image. It is impossible to do better than your thinking allows. It is impossible to do better than who you think you are. Your self-image determines what is possible for […]
The work to be done

The Work to be Done In a nutshell, the work I do with people is to help them see their lousy, limiting, disempowering, lie-based stories that they are telling themselves and then to replace those stories with better ones. Any time that we are hesitating, avoiding, procrastinating, under-performing, or resisting – it is because we […]
Identity Hit

Identity Hit A recent client had taken an identity hit. About five years ago a few different things happened and he started to think less highly of himself, what he thought was possible diminished, his confidence and belief in himself decreased, and his joy and happiness took a beating. Of course, none of these changes […]
Relax already – we cannot see the future

Relax Already – We Cannot See the Future The other day, I got all bent out of shape. Someone sabotaged me (not on purpose) and it cost me a sale. I was upset! My being upset meant that I had forgotten many things. – That my life is falling together. That nothing is worth sacrificing […]
Under the influence

Under the Influence If we were to drink several shots of tequila, we would not have any choice about whether we were impacted or not. We would be under the influence. The same is true when we habitually tell ourselves lousy stories. We don’t have any choice about it, we will be negatively impacted by […]
Procrastination always makes sense

Procrastination always makes sense We can become very frustrated with ourselves when we procrastinate. However, when we uncover the lousy or limiting story that we are telling ourselves about that action or activity, we see that procrastination is always a perfectly appropriate response to that story. The cure then is simple. Tell ourselves a different […]
That’s not my project

That’s not my project It is impossible for us to be responsible for anyone’s mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual well-being because we are not in control of their brain. But, we often try to be responsible. And when we do, we inevitably end up suffering. My mom is having challenges in all these areas as […]
Making sense of behaviors

Making sense of behaviors Strange, perplexing, annoying, dysfunctional, and sabotaging behaviors all make sense when we uncover the stories behind them. Here are a handful of common stories behind some of these behaviors to illustrate this point: Procrastination ~ I’m not ready. It probably won’t work. I don’t deserve to have that anyway. I’ll do […]
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