Does this make my life better?

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Does this make my life better? We can have all kinds of reasons and justifications for staying hurt, angry, resentful, regretful, guilty, ashamed . . . But, the question to ask ourselves is: “Does this make my life better?” And, the answer to that is always “NO”. So if it does not make our lives […]

Shoulds hold us in the past

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Shoulds hold us in the past That should not have happened! I should have made a different choice! He shouldn’t have done that! I should be doing better. And so on . . . As long as that should is there in our thinking, we are looking at the past and consequently we are severely […]

Darn Weather

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Darn Weather A couple of my friends hosted a networking at the beach event today. They planned a great event and then it was cloudy, windy, and rainy late this afternoon. So, many people who had said that they were going to attend did not attend. This is a great reminder that circumstances outside our […]

Isn’t that interesting aka the freak show

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Isn’t that interesting aka the freak show It is a little known fact but we actually don’t have to take it personally when someone is in a bad mood, treats us poorly, misbehaves, or behaves in a way that we don’t like. Rather than taking it personally, a much better option is to look at […]

Bump and Swirl

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Bump and Swirl We are hanging out at a coffee shop in Anchorage (because I’d much rather hang out here than at the airport). Terry, an artist, had some of his work spread out on his table and we struck up a conversation. He used the phrase “BUMPANDSWIRL!” in talking about life and about his […]

Letting Go Test

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Letting Go Test Probably the easiest way to tell if we have fully let go, or fully forgiven, is to run that person or situation through our minds. If it flows through smoothly and is gone, then we have successfully let go. If it gets stuck or stirs up an emotional response, then we have […]

Unfolding Perfectly

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Unfolding Perfectly Being in Alaska has given me several opportunities to reflect on my life and how it has perfectly unfolded. Looking back, I can see those forks in the road where if I had turned a different direction, my life would look very different than it does now. Laura, who took us on a […]

Safe to Rest

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Safe to Rest It is so important to explore our consciousness and uncover those hidden limiting beliefs because they are negatively impacting us every single day. And we don’t even know they are there doing their sabotaging work. A couple of weeks ago I had a session. Since my 20’s I’ve always felt like I […]

(dis) R…E…S…P…E…C…T

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(dis) R…E…S…P…E…C…T  There are two flavors of upset: you hurt my feelings and you dissed me ~ disrespected, dishonored, disapproved, discounted, disregarded, devalued, wasted my time, disloyal. This Dose addresses being dissed. Being dissed usually creates resentment and anger. It can also easily lead to a decrease of action and a “why bother” attitude. We […]

Excited Disappointed Bored

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Excited Disappointed Bored Reluctance to get excited ~ A condition that occurs because we have had experiences of being really excited about something. Then it doesn’t happen and we end up being horribly disappointed. Then we decide that it is too risky to get excited again. If we don’t look at this too closely, it […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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