After the fact

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After the fact  When we have that realization after the fact: I didn’t do what I wanted to in that situation I made a mistake I did that thing again There’s a better way to handle that Etc. What do we do next? Do we beat up on ourselves, or do we let it go? […]

It is a new day – always

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It is a new day – always  Whether yesterday was off the charts amazing, amazingly unproductive, or anywhere in between – today is a fresh start. We get to choose every day – what am I going to make of the day ahead of me? Let the past stay in the past and choose wisely […]

Here’s a question worth pondering

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Here’s a question worth pondering  What new understanding(s) would you need and/or what old belief(s) would you need to upgrade in order to receive all the good that’s waiting to show up in your life – in order to be blessed beyond what you can imagine – in order to receive miracle after miracle? Much […]

Sad Sack

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Sad Sack  Imagine putting on some dirty ripped clothes, smearing your face with grime, and adding a strong dose of odor. Then imagine deciding that this is the true you, your real identity. This is it! This is how you are going to live from now on. This does not sound like a good plan […]

Conflicting Agendas

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Conflicting Agendas  One of my agendas is to be a great father. Another of my agendas is to grow my business. So the question is: Can these two agendas coexist? The answer is: It depends. It depends on my perspective. If I view things from an either or perspective then one happens at the expense […]

Trusting that people will do what they need to do

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Trusting that people will do what they need to do  Life is so much easier when we trust rather than worry, fret, and catastrophize. In the last few days I have been reaching out to people to promote my upcoming Breakthrough to Unprecedented Results program. Several previous coaching clients have responded with an apology for […]

Pet Peeves – how ridiculous

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 Pet Peeves – how ridiculous  As I was driving into the mountains today (ski day), I repeatedly came upon people who were driving slow in the left lane. I started to identify that as a pet peeve of mine. Then I woke up and said to myself, “what in the heck are you doing??????” I’m […]

Resistance equals opportunity

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Resistance equals opportunity  In physical training, it is the resistance that makes our muscles stronger. In personal growth training, our resistance shows us where we have work to do. Then we do the work by a combination of 1) pushing through the resistance and doing it anyway and 2) doing the letting go work to […]

Let’s believe in Santa again

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Let’s believe in Santa again  If you were to ask me to join you in believing in Santa again, I would decline your offer. I would decline because I cannot see any benefit in believing that again. I know that no presents are going to magically appear under the tree. If I try to sit […]

Imitating Dolphins

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Imitating Dolphins Did you know that Dolphins are continually sloughing off skin? They end up replacing their skin every 2 hours? Consequently, scratches and superficial wounds disappear rather quickly. Human being on the other hand, tend to hang on to metaphorical scratches and superficial wounds. For example, how often have we said something like, “I […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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