Nothing To Prove

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Nothing to prove You were born worthy and good enough. It is yours simply by virtue of being alive. There is nothing you can do to earn it and there is nothing you can do to lose it. You already have it. The only thing you can do is forget that you already have it. […]

Words of Mass Destruction

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 Words of Mass Destruction There are a handful of words that we use on a regular basis that are very destructive. What if we never use these words again? Should ~ This word immediately takes us out of the present and of dealing with what actually is. It has us argue with reality and we […]

Getting Your Buttons Pushed

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Getting Your Buttons Pushed We often talk in terms of “he or she pushed my buttons.” A much more accurate description would be, “he or she did something and then I pushed my own buttons.” He or she did something and then I decided to close down my heart. What if we decided that there […]

Let the tailgater pass

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Let the tailgater pass Imagine that you are driving on a winding two-lane road through the mountains. You are in no hurry to get anywhere and are just enjoying the drive and the beautiful scenery. Then, a car catches up to you and starts tailgating you. You now have 4 options: 1)      Stay in front – […]

What am I holding on to?

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What am I holding on to? I’ve been asking myself that question several times a day lately. Almost immediately there is an answer ~ a limiting thought, a negative emotion, a grudge, an expectation, a limiting perspective etc . . . something that is well worth my time and effort to let go of. Once […]

A Check From God?

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A check from God? Have you ever received a check signed by God? Me neither. They always seem to have someone else’s signature on them. So often people are open to receive but not open to be contributed to by others. If it is not okay for others to contribute then the avenue for receiving […]

Progress Wears a Disguise

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Sometimes Progress Wears a Disguise   One of the kindest things we can do for ourselves is to become good at celebrating our progress. (I’ve written about this quite a few times because it is such a life changing skill and habit to develop.) We want to be very generous in how we learn to […]

Does aiming for success create failure?

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My answer is ~ oftentimes it does. My other answer is ~ it depends. First of all we need to define success and failure. In our society, the most common definition of success is money. According to this line of though, we can just put an equal sign between money and success (money = success […]

Is It Okay To Seek After Wealth?

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My friend, Marlow Felton, has an affirmation that I love:  “Wealth is there, I just have to look for it.” I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately.  And, the conclusion I’ve come to is that we find what we look for. Things get very interesting though because very often there is a difference between […]

Make Yourself Irresistible To What You Want

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So much has been written about how to get what you want and about how to use the law of attraction. And yet, so often we struggle (or even fail) to get what we want? What’s up with that? Although there are a large number of things that could be causing this, chances are good […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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