OK to get paid

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OK to get paid Say out loud, “It is okay for me to get paid.” And, “It is okay for me to get paid really well.” And notice how they feel – 10 being totally true and 1 being not at all true. Quite frequently people notice some resistance or hesitation with these phrases. If […]

What does history have to do with anything?

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What does history have to do with anything? Before the Super Bowl, I was mostly just hoping that the game would be close. As a life-long Broncos fan, I have watched my team get blown out 5 times (including the debacle of 2 years ago). Super Bowl 12: Dallas Cowboys 27 Broncos 10 Super Bowl […]

Working the drive through window

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Working the drive through window Imagine that you are working the drive through window. As the car is about to leave, you reach out through the window and grab on to the car. How’s this going to turn out for you? You’ll probably break a few ribs as you are pulled through the window and […]

800 Pound Squirrel

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800 Pound Squirrel When fear, worry, anxiety, hurt, etc. show up and we refuse to experience them and instead we close our hearts by trying to push it away or pretend it isn’t there – what happens is that the negative energy compresses into a tight little ball, like an acorn, and it gets stored […]

The Jail Cell Door is Wide Open

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The Jail Cell Door is Wide Open I watched something interesting today. I observed a person stay really committed to her upset for over two hours. There were so many opportunities for her to leave her upset and she just kept retreating back into it. We were in a really positive, happy, and joyful environment […]

It is just feedback

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It is just feedback When we view life as feedback, life gets a lot simpler and clearer. And, we become a lot more skillful in dealing with ourselves. If I’m unhappy or even depressed – that is just feedback telling me that I’m holding on to some thoughts and stories that do not serve me. […]

Manifesting Mediocrity

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Manifesting Mediocrity I often hear people say things like, “I want to become a more powerful manifestor.” Everyone is already a powerful manifestor. It is just that many people are busy manifesting mediocrity. Many people are also busy manifesting opportunities to learn the same lesson over and over rather than actually learning that lesson. Our […]

Even Though . . .

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Even Though . . . Even though statements are a great tool to allow our brains to shift gears and to get ourselves out of a rut. Over the weekend I was experiencing some “friction” with someone. Every time I used an even though (Even though this is going on, I choose to be happy.), […]

Weather the Storm

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I talked to a client today who has some really intense personal stuff going on. So we talked about how to manage her mind with regards to this rather than focusing on her business. One of the things we talked about was to be kind to herself during this stressful time – and do what […]

Take a Deeper Look

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Take a Deeper Look Recently I was mad for several days in a row. And, I couldn’t seem to shake it. I used all of my letting go tools and strategies and . . . I was still mad. Then I sat down and thought about it for a minute and realized that deeper than […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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