Deciphering the Hamburger Wrapper

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Deciphering the Hamburger Wrapper If you were walking down the street and you noticed that there was a hamburger wrapper stuck to the bottom of your shoe, would you spend a lot of time analyzing the situation? What burger chain is this from? Where exactly did this get attached to my shoe? Is the gluing […]

Inconvenience part 2

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Inconvenience part 2 Yesterday we talked about how it is impossible to inconvenience another person because it is their choice whether they are inconvenienced or not. So today let’s try that on for ourselves. No one or no thing can inconvenience us unless we decide to feel inconvenienced!!! Of course stuff happens in life – […]

Who says we have to listen?

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Who says we have to listen? People share their opinions with us all the time and so often for some reason, we think we have to listen, value their opinions, and take their advice to heart. We don’t. I had 3 separate discussions with people today who were suffering tremendously because of what other people […]

Past Present Future

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Past Present Future A reader request: Would you please talk about being/living in the moment, for this day and not ruminating about the past.  I would like to hear your thoughts about mistakes or difficult things that have happened in the past and the ineffectiveness of dwelling on them. ~ Here you go Debby: Throughout the […]

You Have Already Arrived

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You Have Already Arrived People live so much of their lives thinking that they have not arrived yet – but that they will arrive when they are (fill in the blank) more successful, wealthier, skinnier, happier, etc. This is a lousy life strategy. First of all it creates a lot of suffering. “I’m not okay because I […]

To Not Take Offense

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To Not Take Offense We get so easily offended. We are so willing to take and make things personal. How much joy, happiness, and peace of mind has this cost you? What would happen if we got over being so easily offended? A friend of mine prays every day for the grace to not be […]

Room for Miracles

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Room for Miracles When we get out of the “how” there’s room for miracles to happen. When we are in the “how”, we are in the way. We do not need to know “how” in order to proceed or in order to receive our good. “How” is God’s job so we cannot possibly figure it […]

When letting go doesn’t seem to work

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I heard a great question today ~ “I’ve done a lot of letting go work – tapping, Sedona, etc. around being able to find good people for my business. But, it doesn’t seem to stick. What’s up with that?” Usually when this happens, it means that we need to go deeper. Here’s a metaphor: If […]

World’s Quickest Coaching School

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4 part curriculum 1. Ask for permission to coach – otherwise you are being rude and presumptuous. 2. Remember that any possible issue, problem, or challenge that a person can have is simply a symptom of them not fully loving, accepting, and approving of themselves ~ exactly as they are. ALWAYS! So the work to […]

I double dog dare you to answer this question

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So often the questions we ask ourselves orient us in the 180 degree wrong direction. We ask ourselves questions like: “How come no one wants to do business with me?” This question is almost certain to lead us to a distorted perspective that has us feel lousy about ourselves and doesn’t offer any real solutions. […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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