Needs More Salt

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Needs More Salt A couple of weeks ago I made a pot chicken soup. During the cooking process, I tasted the soup several times. The tastings told me that I needed to add more salt and more seasoning. I ended up doing this several times. The tastings served as feedback that something needed to be […]

The Jail Cell Door is Wide Open

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The Jail Cell Door is Wide Open I watched something interesting today. I observed a person stay really committed to her upset for over two hours. There were so many opportunities for her to leave her upset and she just kept retreating back into it. We were in a really positive, happy, and joyful environment […]

Dust Devils

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Dust Devils I once stepped into a dust devil (mini tornado). I got spun around, got my eyes filled with dust, and got knocked onto my butt. The dust devil didn’t pursue me. I chose to step into it. What we often forget is that we have the choice whether or not we step into […]

The End of Suffering

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The End of Suffering Imagine if our bodies were as sensitive as our psyches – someone lightly touches us and we experience debilitating pain that lasts for days. That would be horrible. Unfortunately, our psyches are that way. Somebody slights us and we hurt for hours or even days or even years. Somebody looks at […]

If you don’t celebrate, how is it supposed to be fun?

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If you don’t celebrate, how is it supposed to be fun? We went bowling the other night. My daughter was rolling her ball down the lane and then walking back to the seats without any reaction to what her ball had done. I asked her, “If you don’t celebrate, how are you going to have […]

Could It Really Be That Easy?

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Could It Really Be That Easy? Imagine if right in front of your front door was an 8 foot tall wall that you had to shimmy over in order to leave your house. Sometimes you would shimmy over it without a second thought. But there would be a lot of times where you would look […]

Even Though . . .

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Even Though . . . Even though statements are a great tool to allow our brains to shift gears and to get ourselves out of a rut. Over the weekend I was experiencing some “friction” with someone. Every time I used an even though (Even though this is going on, I choose to be happy.), […]


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I DID MY JOB!!!!! I have realized that I can do my job and experience the satisfaction that comes from doing my job – independent of the outcome. When I set the stage for someone to have a great experience, I have done my job. Whether or not they have the great experience is their […]

Tell better lies

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Tell better lies Sometimes when people start talking kinder to themselves, start talking about what is possible for them, or start selling themselves on how amazing they actually are – they encounter some resistance. I’ve heard many people say that it feels like they are lying to themselves. Here’s the deal with that: We are […]

Well I’ve eaten so I’m done with that for life

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Well I’ve eaten so I’m done with that for life “Well I’ve eaten so I’m done with that for life.” That would be a pretty silly thing to say. But often times we think that way about prospecting and getting people in our pipelines – “Gosh I should be done with that.” Actually, filling our […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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