Beware of the equal sign

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Beware of the equal sign We often insert equal signs into our thinking that don’t belong there. For example, one person I worked with had it that quitting smoking would automatically make her business better, her marriage stronger, and her life happier. There’s no connection between those things and stopping smoking. But, that line of […]


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Dam Imagine putting a dam across a river. Then you watch the spillway at the top of the dam from down river. All you can see is that there is no water coming through the spillway. From that perspective, you cannot see what is going on in the newly forming lake. You cannot tell whether […]

Busy vs Effective

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Busy vs Effective Don’t confuse being busy with being effective. If you find yourself being quite busy but not being all that effective, there are a few things you will want to check. Am I busy with useful things, income generating activities, and things that will move me forward – or am I busy with […]

Even Prison Sentences Have an End

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Even Prison Sentences Have an End Self-forgiveness is a wealth and success strategy. If you cannot forgive yourself ~ that means that you think that you need to be punished. And if you need to be punished than how can you be rewarded (with wealth, success, and happiness). Those two are mutually exclusive. We’ve all […]

Grateful Later

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Grateful Later People often think along the lines of ~ I’ll be grateful once this has changed. I’ll be grateful once I have arrived. No, no, and no! Gratitude is not an end result. Gratitude is the way that you get there. Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that my […]

Joy ~ your most precious possession

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Joy ~ your most precious possession Without joy, what do you have? Think about that for a moment. How fulfilling, how satisfying, how enjoyable is life if you have: Wealth without joy A great career without joy Family without joy A hot physically fit body without joy Etc. Joy is something we can cultivate (or […]

The hard way

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The hard way I can get into my house by balancing a ladder on top of the picnic table and then climbing through a 2nd story window. I can get into my house by tunneling in through the basement wall. I can get into my house by parachuting onto the roof and then cutting through into […]

Cultivating or Demolishing

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Cultivating or Demolishing Without joy, nothing in life is worth anything. And, the thing about joy is that we can either cultivate joy or demolish joy. Which one do you spend more time doing? Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people […]

Bye Yogi

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Bye Yogi In memory of the late Yogi Berra ~ “How can you think and hit at the same time?” Sometimes we get far too busy thinking when action would serve us much better. So “when you come to a fork in the road, take it!” Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because […]

More Than Expected

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More Than Expected Which of these is more accurate for you: I habitually get more than expected. Or, I habitually get less than expected. If it is the latter, might I suggest some work in the personal growth gym to upgrade that belief? Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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