Plumbing is Really Cool

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Plumbing is Really Cool A group of us were talking today and my friend mentioned how annoyed and upset her husband gets about paying taxes. A bunch of people jumped in about being grateful. Highways are nice. Infrastructure is nice. Incomes are nice etc. I asked the group, “Have any of you lived in a […]

When letting go doesn’t seem to work

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I heard a great question today ~ “I’ve done a lot of letting go work – tapping, Sedona, etc. around being able to find good people for my business. But, it doesn’t seem to stick. What’s up with that?” Usually when this happens, it means that we need to go deeper. Here’s a metaphor: If […]

Confusing Mile Markers With Destinations

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My daughter graduated from 6th grade today. Imagine her saying, “Well now that I’ve graduated 6th grade I’ve arrived.” Or, “I’ll be happy now.” Or, “Good, that should prove that I am enough.” That would be ridiculous. But that’s what we tend to do in our lives. “Oh, when I hit SMD/RVP/Blue Diamond/100K ring/top producer’s roundtable/etc. […]

Two Thoughts on “Busy”

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Keeping a bunch of plates spinning is a metaphor that is often used for being busy. Keeping a bunch of balls in the air (juggling) is used too. In these acts, plates do get dropped. It’s okay. They just pick up another one, start it spinning, and continue with the act. Last summer at Cirque […]

Essential To Be Refreshed

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I often hear people say that they feel guilty if they take any downtime or that they don’t give themselves permission to have downtime, to relax, or to play. There is time for relaxation, play, and fun (and a time for hard work)! Otherwise, what’s the point? Whenever we say something like this, it is […]

Argue for greatness

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We can either argue for our limitations or we can argue for our greatness. These two produce wildly different results. Mass consciousness has taught us to argue for our limitations – and that’s a pretty crappy strategy. What if we spent all that energy and effort arguing for our greatness instead. Much Love, Jonathan I […]

Lack of dedication???

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I heard a speaker say that in his experience most people fail due to a lack of dedication. I can see that and I also think that we can take a deeper look at this. Why do people have a lack of dedication? I think it is because they are experiencing a lack of possibility. […]


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Hey let’s go do some chores! Doesn’t that sound like fun? – No? Not really? You’d rather not? So here’s the question: How much of your life do you view as a chore? As soon as we think of something as a chore, our energy goes down. When our energy goes down, our enthusiasm goes […]

The Other Side of the Coin

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You often hear people talk about ~ only do what you love. And, there’s a lot of wisdom to that. When we do what we love, our energy, excitement, enthusiasm, and desire to be in action are all up. This makes us far more magnetic to our good. However, there is also the other side […]

These Two Things Are Not The Same

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Activity and busyness are not the same as effectiveness and results. People often confuse these two. It is not about the number of activities we have e.g. 1×1 meetings or phone calls. It is about the results they produce. The more effective and efficient we become, the less busy we need to be. Effectiveness and […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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