Inner Attorney

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Inner Attorney  What would happen if we fired our inner attorney – you know that guy or gal inside of us who starts building a big dramatic case as soon as someone doesn’t behave the way we think they should. The attorney is amazing at coming up with all kinds of reasons why we are […]

Life or death, curses or blessings

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Life or death, curses or blessings  Probably the simplest way to look at it is ~ we are either pronouncing words of life over ourselves or words of death. We are either cursing ourselves or blessing ourselves. This includes what we say out loud, what we think, and what the little voices in our heads […]

Trying too hard

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Trying too hard  Whenever my setting in volleyball gets inaccurate, it is most likely that I’m trying too hard to give my partner the perfect set so that he can crush it. I just need to breathe, relax, have fun, and get my mind out of the way so that my body can do what […]

What are we saying “yes” to?

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What are we saying “yes” to?  We are always saying “yes” to something. Yes to scarcity, yes to limitation, yes to frustration, etc. or yes to plenty, yes to potential and growth and change, yes to peace, etc. What are you consistently saying “yes” to? Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this […]

An impossible position

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An impossible position  Whenever we try to be responsible for another person – their happiness, their success, their mood, their well-being – we are setting ourselves up to suffer. We are putting ourselves in an impossible position because we are not in charge of that other person’s brain. We don’t have the power to make […]

Breaking the sound barrier of success

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Breaking the sound barrier of success  The other day a client was talking about how every time that he’s gotten really busy in his business, he’s backed off with the thought that he needed to take a break. This made me think about the pilots who were trying to break the sound barrier. When they […]

Don’t indulge

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Don’t indulge  A client of mine recently told me that she hears my voice in her head saying, “don’t indulge” when she’s tempted to fall into self-pity. Self-pity, or any other form of feeling lousy, is an indulgence. We don’t ever “have to” feel that way. We choose to. And when we choose to indulge […]

Time to reevaluate

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Time to reevaluate   I have been writing the Daily Dose of Jonathan for years now. And, almost every Dose has been written on the day it was sent out. My story for doing it this way rather than having them queued up in advance is that it honors my freedom and spontaneity. However, it […]

How in the heck did pouting get started?

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How in the heck did pouting get started?  I’ve seen a lot of pouting lately, both adults and younger people. And all of these recent sightings have been at events that are fun. This got me to thinking about how weird and crazy us humans are sometimes. I know that I have never pouted myself […]

Declining the option to win the day

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Declining the option to win the day  Imagine that the football team has 4th and goal from the 1 yard line with 5 seconds left and that they are losing by 4 points so they need a touchdown. Then imagine the football team just taking a knee and giving up without trying. Maybe they are […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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