How willing?

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How willing?  How willing are you to listen to those little God whispers and then act on them? The other day, I heard the God whisper and then acted on it even though it was far outside my comfort zone. It had a big positive impact on that person. Tonight, someone did that for me. […]

I am supported

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I am supported  Many people have a story about not being supported. This perceived lack of support could be by a significant other, a parent, a boss, a friend, an upline, or even God. But is this story accurate? We will always find evidence that supports our view point. And in that process, we will […]

Objectivity, Emotion, Kindness, and Accountability

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Objectivity, Emotion, Kindness, and Accountability   There’s an interesting interplay between the concepts of objectivity, emotion, kindness and accountability. Let’s use the example of having a goal of making 10 phone calls today and only making 6 calls. Objectivity: I made 6 calls today and my goal was 10 which means that I was 4 […]

Pet Peeves – how ridiculous

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 Pet Peeves – how ridiculous  As I was driving into the mountains today (ski day), I repeatedly came upon people who were driving slow in the left lane. I started to identify that as a pet peeve of mine. Then I woke up and said to myself, “what in the heck are you doing??????” I’m […]

Life Trajectory

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Life Trajectory  If we want to change the trajectory of our lives, we are going to have to get uncomfortable. We get to choose between the comfortableness and familiarity of the status quo or the discomfort and unfamiliarity of better. Which do you choose – in theory and in reality? Do theory and reality match? […]

When yes means no and no means yes

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When yes means no and no means yes  When we say “yes” to doing something then we are saying “no” to everything else. For example, when I say “yes” to a coaching session then that is the only way I can use that one-hour time. All the hundreds of other ways that I could use […]

Theoretical GPS

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Theoretical GPS  People frequently make where they are at bad and wrong. They, or their results, shouldn’t be there. They should be somewhere else. It isn’t bad or wrong. It is simply where we are at. Once we know where we are at then we can decide what to do next. We can plan, strategize, […]

No water to be found anywhere

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No water to be found anywhere  Imagine standing next to a river and thinking that water is scarce and hard to get. That would be pretty silly. Imagine thinking that money is scarce and hard to get. That would be pretty silly too. Just look out your window, there’s a river of money out there. […]

Thinking About Great

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Thinking About Great  My life is good – no doubt about that! Great on the other hand . . . I’m not there yet. This is a topic that I have been exploring for the last couple of months and I’m clear that what got me to good won’t get me to great. If I […]

Unintended lessons from the theatre

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Unintended lessons from the theatre Anne and I went to Sleep No More last night, a promenade theatre experience. That means we spent 3 hours walking up and down stairs and all around a 5-story venue. And, we were wearing masks the whole time. It has been said that character and integrity can be measured […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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