Declining the option to win the day 

Imagine that the football team has 4th and goal from the 1 yard line with 5 seconds left and that they are losing by 4 points so they need a touchdown.
Then imagine the football team just taking a knee and giving up without trying. Maybe they are saying, “that’s okay boys we will get them next time.”
Of course, that’s never going to happen. They are going to run their play, give it their best effort, and see what happens. They are going to go for the win.
However, in life, people are often taking the knee. Something happens that knocks them off track, or takes the wind out of their sails and they surrender. They call it quits for the day. They say, “it’s okay boys, we will get them tomorrow.”
When we do this, we have declined the opportunity to win the day.
Much Love,
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