Life or death, curses or blessings 

Probably the simplest way to look at it is ~ we are either pronouncing words of life over ourselves or words of death. We are either cursing ourselves or blessing ourselves. This includes what we say out loud, what we think, and what the little voices in our heads tell us.
It is impossible to do better, to make positive changes, or to become happier if we are dealing with words of death and curses far more often than we are dealing with words of life and blessings.
Unfortunately, that is the case for many people (most people). However, through watchfulness and the willingness to stop it and upgrade the conversation, people can shift that ratio of words of death to words of life.
When that happens, it becomes possible to do better, be happier, and create positive change.
People often think that it isn’t that big of a deal to entertain the negative. It is a big deal. It is very costly. It destroys lives.
Much Love,
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