Who’s evaluating who?

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Who’s Evaluating Who? Most people’s orientation when interacting with a prospect is that they are being evaluated by the prospect. The prospect is determining whether business will be done. Let’s flip this. Let’s go into those meetings looking to see if the prospect is someone we want to work with, someone we would enjoy working […]

Straw that broke the camel’s back

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Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back The best way to prevent a single straw from breaking the camel’s back is to lighten the load far before the camel’s breaking point. Another analogy along the same lines – if my cup is full to the brim, one more drop will cause overflow. But if I’ve emptied […]

A button’s job is to get pushed

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A Button’s Job is to Get Pushed When we have a button, we can be supremely confident that it will get pushed. The only uncertainty is how soon until it gets pressed again. We can see this frequently when someone gets upset and we don’t get why they are even bothered by what happened. That […]

The walking offended

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The Walking Offended We’ve all gotten offended. And, we have all given offense, whether intentionally or unintentionally. And, we will get offended again and we will offend again. The challenge is: how quickly can we get over it? How quickly can we let it go? Because, when we are walking around offended, we are missing […]

Falling on your own sword

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Falling on Your Own Sword If we put aside ego and our need to be right, often falling on our own sword is the best path to take. For many insignificant things, if we apologize or take responsibility (even if we aren’t at fault) it takes care of the other person and can even build […]

Procrastination = Resistance

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Procrastination = Resistance We can always find a “good” reason to not do something. This procrastination happens because we have some sort of resistance to doing that thing – and often this resistance is happening at a non-conscious level, outside of our awareness. The resistance could be something like: It won’t work anyway What if […]


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Knighthood If you were to be knighted, what would your title be – e.g. Sir Jonathan the Kind or Lady Jane the Wise -etc. And then, are you living up to your title? Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit […]

Relax already – we cannot see the future

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Relax Already – We Cannot See the Future The other day, I got all bent out of shape. Someone sabotaged me (not on purpose) and it cost me a sale. I was upset! My being upset meant that I had forgotten many things. – That my life is falling together. That nothing is worth sacrificing […]

Harsh judgmental self-perception

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Harsh Judgmental Self-Perception An anorexic person can look at you or me and make an accurate assessment about our size. But when they look at themselves, they are no longer seeing with their eyes. They are seeing with their mental construct of themselves, their self-image. And, that mental construct says that they are huge. This […]

Beyond books

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Beyond Books I had a discussion today with some friends about the books that had impacted our lives. Everyone had different favorites. That’s the beauty of books – there’s always the right book for the right situation, that will provide us with what we need. And, these books have a miraculous way of finding us. […]

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