Kindergarten compassion or PhD compassion

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Kindergarten compassion or PhD compassion  It is relatively easy to have compassion when a natural disaster strikes or when a tragedy hits people that we don’t know. And hey, compassion is a great response to those sorts of things. And, that’s the kindergarten level of compassion. It is easy. But what about those situations where […]

Bruises heal

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Bruises heal  Imagine having a big bruise and several times a day you give it a hard poke. Even though our bodies know how to heal, this bruise won’t go away because we keep rebruising the bruise. We have all been bruised by life and the people in our lives. But, bruises heal – when […]

Gnawed into mediocrity

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Gnawed into mediocrity  Imagine that you woke up and discovered a rat gnawing on your arm. Would you let the rat continue to gnaw? Would you tell yourself “it is no big deal” and go back to sleep? Or would you do something about it? When we listen to the little voices whispering guilt, shame, […]

Simple math of thinking

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Simple math of thinking  Most people are wishing for positive results but mainly thinking negative thoughts. This is a seriously defective strategy. The good news is that this habit of how and about what we think can be upgraded. When thinking becomes predominately positive we become happier, life becomes more enjoyable, and positive results become […]

Nice vs Kind

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Nice vs Kind   Nice and kind are not synonyms. Nice is a surface quality while kindness comes from the heart. We can act nice while feeling the exact opposite. At times, acting nice can be the opposite of kindness. For example, let’s say that I ask you to listen to a new talk I’m […]

Time to reevaluate

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Time to reevaluate   I have been writing the Daily Dose of Jonathan for years now. And, almost every Dose has been written on the day it was sent out. My story for doing it this way rather than having them queued up in advance is that it honors my freedom and spontaneity. However, it […]


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Belonging  “I don’t belong” is a close relative of “I’m not enough”. That thought causes a lot of pain and suffering. The antidote is quite simple ~ create belonging. Instead of waiting to see how or if you fit in, extend a sense of belonging to others. Reach out to help others feel welcomed, seen, […]

You don’t know who you are

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You don’t know who you are  Most people do not know who they are. When we know (not conceptually or intellectually but whole heartedly) who we are we have peace, trust, joy, worthiness, belonging, love in our hearts . . . Instead, people have believed lies about who they are – lies of insufficiency, unworthiness, […]

Feelings, Woo-oh-oh feelings. . .

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Feelings, Woo-oh-oh feelings. . .  We think that we are logical creatures because we can think. But, we are not. We are emotional creatures that sometimes use logic. Emotion drives us. (Any Sales 101 class will teach that people buy emotionally and then afterwards justify their purchase by using logic. So, if we want to […]

If you were to talk yourself out of something . . .

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If you were to talk yourself out of something . . .  If you were to talk yourself out of something, what would that sound like? I’m tired. I don’t feel like it. I’ll do it later. . . What is your default excuse? I invite you to be on the lookout for your default […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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