Hurt for people rather than  be hurt by people

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Hurt for people rather than be hurt by people   Life is way easier when we give up getting hurt by people and instead hurt for them. One way of doing this is by remembering that it is not about me and then giving them the benefit of the doubt, “they must be having a […]

Simple math of thinking

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Simple math of thinking  Most people are wishing for positive results but mainly thinking negative thoughts. This is a seriously defective strategy. The good news is that this habit of how and about what we think can be upgraded. When thinking becomes predominately positive we become happier, life becomes more enjoyable, and positive results become […]

Benefit of the doubt

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Benefit of the doubt  What would happen if we gave people the benefit of the doubt more often? Do you walk around purposely offending people or disrespecting people? Do you intentionally cut off other drivers? Do you intentionally hurt people’s feelings or try to make them mad? Hopefully your answer to these questions is an […]

Flip that switch

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Flip that switch  I see this fairly regularly: A person thinks, “I need a break.” Then their actions start to become very ineffective, things keep falling apart, setbacks keep occurring, etc. They end up getting the break they said they needed but not the rest and recharge because they are flailing around in ineffective action. […]


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Retaliation  This morning I was sitting in my car, finishing up a phone call. A woman pulled into the space next to me and since I had backed into the parking space, we were driver’s side door to driver’s side door. She opened her door and it hit my car. She then got out of […]

You don’t know who you are

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You don’t know who you are  Most people do not know who they are. When we know (not conceptually or intellectually but whole heartedly) who we are we have peace, trust, joy, worthiness, belonging, love in our hearts . . . Instead, people have believed lies about who they are – lies of insufficiency, unworthiness, […]

Rise up or give up (part 2 of bungee cords and ladders)

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Rise up or give up (part 2 of bungee cords and ladders)  Yesterday’s Dose talked about how limiting beliefs, poor self-image, and other head trash act like bungee cords attached to our waist as we try and climb the ladder of success. As we try and climb, we keep getting pulled back down off the […]

Taking ourselves for granted

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Taking ourselves for granted  Does anyone enjoy being taken for granted? Of course not! So, why do we take ourselves for granted so often? What would happen if we started appreciating ourselves more? What would happen if we started to give ourselves credit for the things we have gotten done instead of discounting them and […]

I’m just an average guy

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I’m just an average guy  “It is impossible to outperform your self-image.” Dr Maxwell Maltz in Psycho-Cybernetics I’ve referenced that quote about a million times. Our self-image (our beliefs about who I think I am and am not, what does and does not happen to me, what is possible and impossible for me, what I […]

The Meaning of Stress

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The Meaning of Stress  Stress = misguided thinking that we are in charge of the results. Thinking this way is bound to stress us out because there is very little that we are actually in control of (with effort, we can be in control of our thoughts, feelings, reactions, and behaviors and that is pretty […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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