Bungee cords and ladders

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Bungee cords and ladders  Imagine having a bunch of bungee cords with one end attached to your waist and the other attached to the ground. Then imagine trying to climb a ladder. With each step up, the tension increases until “wham” you find yourself flat on your back on the ground. After a bit, you […]

Problem focus or creation focus

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Problem focus or creation focus  It is an easy trap to fall into – fixing the problems and issues so that once they are fixed, we can move on to what’s next, we can move on to bigger and better things. However, there are 4 major problems with this strategy. #1 What we focus on […]

The Meaning of Stress

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The Meaning of Stress  Stress = misguided thinking that we are in charge of the results. Thinking this way is bound to stress us out because there is very little that we are actually in control of (with effort, we can be in control of our thoughts, feelings, reactions, and behaviors and that is pretty […]

I approve of me

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I approve of me  Say out loud, “I approve of me.” For most people this is going to bring up some resistance – reasons why not to approve of themselves. If that’s the case for you, here’s a great homework assignment: Get in front of a mirror and then gaze into your own eyes. Really […]

I’m not into shame

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I’m not into shame   The other day I was working with a client on letting go of shame. The energy was so intense that I felt sick to my stomach. This got me to thinking about shame and how much shame there is in the world and how toxic shame is. For example ~ […]

The little dream stealers

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The little dream stealers  Of course, the big head trash stories create a lot of sabotage ~ I’m not worthy, I’m not enough, it is not okay to sell, I cannot be a good person and also make a lot of money etc. However, the subtle, little, seemingly innocent stories can cause a lot of […]

Already validated

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Already validated  Imagine parking in a garage and then going to a restaurant that validates your parking. Then imagine that every couple of minutes you go to the hostess stand and check if you are still validated. That would be pretty silly. A much better plan would be to relax, enjoy your dinner, and trust […]

Resistance made simple

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Resistance made simple  When we are experiencing resistance, there is a 100% chance that we are telling ourselves some sort of uninspiring lousy story. If we upgrade the story, the resistance either goes away or decreases significantly. When we use resistance to uncover our limiting stories, then resistance becomes our ally. It helps us to […]

Peace Love and Understanding

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Peace Love and Understanding  Elvis Costello (the musician) asks, “What’s so funny about peace, love, and understanding? The funny thing (as in bizarre) is how often we choose not to experience peace, love, and understanding. Rather than peace, we frequently choose upset and hanging on to hurt. Rather than love, we frequently choose judgment and […]

Here’s Why . . .

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Here’s Why . . .   Say out loud, “I approve of me.” Then notice how true that feels. Rate it on a scale of 1-10. 10 = absolutely true. 1 = liar liar pants on fire. Assuming that your answer is not up in the 9-10 range – what is the first answer that […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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