Sloppy Language and questionable ownership

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Sloppy Language and questionable ownership We are very careless with the words “I am” and “I have”. Those are words of identity and declaration that are very powerful. And we use them so haphazardly, identifying ourselves as or with things that if we stopped to think about it we certainly wouldn’t want to identify with. […]

800 Pound Squirrel

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800 Pound Squirrel When fear, worry, anxiety, hurt, etc. show up and we refuse to experience them and instead we close our hearts by trying to push it away or pretend it isn’t there – what happens is that the negative energy compresses into a tight little ball, like an acorn, and it gets stored […]

What if there is enough time!

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What if there is enough time! People often have head trash that there is not enough time. As soon as you buy into “there’s not enough time”, you enter into scarcity consciousness. As soon as you buy into “there’s not enough time”, you experience stress and anxiety which has your brain work less effectively which […]

Valuing Aliveness and Well-Being

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Valuing Aliveness and Well-Being Clearly we do not place a high value on being happy, feeling good, having peace of mind, or being full of vitality and aliveness. Why do I say this? Because I watch people (including myself) take things personally all the time. I watch people get all bent out of shape over […]

Hope and the Way

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In many ways, I see the work that I do as restoring hope to people that things can indeed be different and then showing them the path to create this. Hope: Yes, things can be different – radically different. When we change our beliefs, expectations, and mindset then what is possible for us changes too. […]

Warped Luxury of Negative Self Talk

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If you want to believe in yourself and be more confident, you cannot afford the warped luxury of negative self talk. It is impossible to believe in yourself when you are calling yourself a “loser” (and worse). Negative self talk is just a habit. Habits can be changed! Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily […]

Personal growth gone awry

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Some of the ideas in personal growth have been taken far too far and consequently produce some negative consequences ~ specifically: the rule that we have to always be positive, and the idea that negative emotions are wrong and we shouldn’t have them. The all-out commitment to positivity often results in denial. And, there is […]

Redefining Risky Business and the Safer Path

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It is almost impossible to escape the gravitational pull of our comfort zones when we are operating under the story that comfort equals safety. The number one human need is safety and survival – so if we have it wired that getting out of our comfort zone is not safe – it will be impossible […]

Loved and Lovable

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Say out loud, “I am loved” and, “I am lovable” and notice how they feel. If these two statements do not feel 100% true, you have some important work to do in the personal growth gym. If you have head trash about being loved then it is harder for others to contribute to you. If […]

What If ~ The World’s Most-Easy-To-Use Personal Growth Tool

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Years ago I taught the What If Technique to my friend, Chris. He has since taught it to thousands of people. He told me what recently happened to him at a retreat in Hawaii. Chris was sitting by the pool when this guy came up to him and said, “You changed my life!” and demanded […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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