The Discipline Group

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The Discipline Group As long as words like: discipline, structure, routine, tracking, rules, time-blocking, accountability, etc. give you the heebie jeebies. You will be forced to underperform because you will be avoiding the things that will help you to do better. Greatness stands on the shoulders of those words. So then, the thing to do […]

Hard Work and Resistance

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Hard Work and Resistance Hard work on top of resistance does not move you forward. It just leaves you frustrated and tired. That is why it is so vitally important to frequent the personal growth gym and let go of those limiting beliefs and other forms of resistance. Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily […]

Fighting reality is exhausting

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Fighting reality is exhausting Any and every time that we think that someone or something should be different, anytime we think that we should be different, we are fighting reality. When we fight reality, we suffer. When we do this, we also create resistance. And, what we resist – persists. Instead, we need to make […]

Just Get Started

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Just Get Started Just do something – no matter how small. Just get started. We often experience resistance to doing something which means that we have some sort of lousy, uninspiring, or limiting story about it. We can decrease that resistance by lowering the energy of activation (the amount of energy we need to spend […]

Repressed Worry

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Most people have quite a bit of repressed worry. People in general have a habit of worrying. Some of it you might be aware of and some of it is pushed pretty deep into the shadows. I invite you to be really honest and vulnerable with yourself and feel that worry ~ worry that: The […]

Irony of Comfort

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What a great irony ~ If comfort is your top priority and causes you to avoid discomfort at all costs, you will never have comfort. If you are willing to experience discomfort, you can have lots of comfort in your life. Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content […]

A Ridiculous Trade

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Would you trade 1lbs of discomfort for 100lbs of discomfort?Answer carefully because this is a trick question. We do this all the time. How often do we do whatever it takes to escape momentary discomfort without giving a second thought to future ramifications? We don’t do the thing in the moment (talk to the stranger, […]

I’m Not Ready But It Is Time

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Just because you might think that you are not ready for change or for growth or for what is next – does not mean that now is not the right time. It is the right time. It is time to ignore your story of limitation and to do it anyway. And the only way to […]

I Quit

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There’s a myth that winners never quit. This just is not true. Winners have quit all kinds of things. They are winners because they know what to quit and what not to quit. There are all kinds of things that we can quit that would help us to become more of a winner. Here are […]

Emotional Inventory

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I changed my razor blade the other day and – oh my gosh! – My face almost shaved itself. It was so easy and fast. Because it happens in such little increments, I didn’t realize just how dull the blade had become. This is a pretty good metaphor for life. Lots of little things happen […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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