Stronger together

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Stronger Together When I was a commercial fisherman in Alaska, all the lines we used were three stranded (cowboys use ropes, fishermen use lines). It took an amazing amount of pressure to break those lines. And sometimes one strand would break but the other two allowed the line to still function until we could repair […]

Identity Hit

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Identity Hit A recent client had taken an identity hit. About five years ago a few different things happened and he started to think less highly of himself, what he thought was possible diminished, his confidence and belief in himself decreased, and his joy and happiness took a beating. Of course, none of these changes […]

With or without resentment

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With or Without Resentment Have you ever had a time and situation in your life where you were doing something but resented the fact that you had to do it? Perhaps you felt obligated or figured that nothing would happen if you didn’t make it happen. That resentment is extremely toxic, especially if this is […]

Start with Why

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Start with Why There are lots of things that we need to do, or should do, or would be a good thing to do that we don’t get done. Instead of just viewing these things as another item on our to-do-list, we can ask ourselves “why is this important?” If we have a good answer […]

Comfort and Encourage

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Comfort and Encourage What would our world be like if the measuring stick we used to determine whether we had a good day was: Did I comfort and encourage someone today? What would happen if we made that a priority? Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, […]

Christian pirates

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Christian Pirates I was talking with an Alaskan commercial fisherman today who described a group of other commercial fishermen as “Christian pirates”. The “pirates” are intentionally violating the fishing regulations so that they can catch more (and earn more). And, the “pirates” are known Christians. Clearly their behaviors are not congruent with their professed belief […]

Making time for people

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Making Time for People A lot of the quality of our lives comes from our interactions and connections with people. Yet, so many people don’t make an effort to do this and then wonder why their lives are unfulfilled and lonely. Make time for people.  It is so worth it. Much Love, Jonathan Help me […]

It is not up to us whether the fish bite

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It is Not Up to Us Whether the Fish Bite We left the house at 4:00am this morning and arrived in Homer Alaska at 5:30pm Colorado time. So of course, I was ready to start fishing as soon as possible Within 10 minutes, I hooked a nice salmon and got it to the beach 3 […]

Here to love

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Here to Love In his book, The Book of Mysteries, Jonathan Cahn says “… if you love only those who love you, then it alters you; then you cease to be light.” As a child of God, we are here to love – regardless of situations or circumstances, regardless of merit or lack of merit, […]

Who’s evaluating who?

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Who’s Evaluating Who? Most people’s orientation when interacting with a prospect is that they are being evaluated by the prospect. The prospect is determining whether business will be done. Let’s flip this. Let’s go into those meetings looking to see if the prospect is someone we want to work with, someone we would enjoy working […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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