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Marveling How often do we stop and marvel? When we stop and marvel, we are embracing the goodness of life. We are happy. We are inspired. We are in a good place. We taste the sweetness of life. We recognize our multitude of blessings. And there are so many things that we can marvel at […]

Always Under the Influence

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Always Under the Influence Today’s dose is a video about how we are always under the influence of something – either something useful or something damaging. Under the Influence   Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. […]


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Generosity In my last week of traveling, I’ve interacted with a lot of people. Some were generous with their time, attention, support, and or resources. And, some were not. Not hard to guess which ones I enjoyed more and which ones I’d want to do business with again. Which one are you? And, does that […]

Effective lies

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Effective Lies If we have several tequila shots, we won’t have a choice about whether we are under the influence. We will be. The same is true when we listen to lies. We will be influenced. What are the lies that you keep telling yourself, or listening to from others, that are causing problems, pain, […]

Our packrat brains

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Our Packrat Brains Imagine a packrat’s room stacked full of old newspapers, boxes, and junk. The room isn’t useable because there’s so much unneeded and not useful stuff. And it certainly isn’t comfortable to be in that room. But if we start emptying that room, with every load of trash we carry out, the room […]

Stronger together

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Stronger Together When I was a commercial fisherman in Alaska, all the lines we used were three stranded (cowboys use ropes, fishermen use lines). It took an amazing amount of pressure to break those lines. And sometimes one strand would break but the other two allowed the line to still function until we could repair […]

Comfort and Encourage

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Comfort and Encourage What would our world be like if the measuring stick we used to determine whether we had a good day was: Did I comfort and encourage someone today? What would happen if we made that a priority? Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, […]

Who’s evaluating who?

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Who’s Evaluating Who? Most people’s orientation when interacting with a prospect is that they are being evaluated by the prospect. The prospect is determining whether business will be done. Let’s flip this. Let’s go into those meetings looking to see if the prospect is someone we want to work with, someone we would enjoy working […]

A button’s job is to get pushed

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A Button’s Job is to Get Pushed When we have a button, we can be supremely confident that it will get pushed. The only uncertainty is how soon until it gets pressed again. We can see this frequently when someone gets upset and we don’t get why they are even bothered by what happened. That […]

The walking offended

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The Walking Offended We’ve all gotten offended. And, we have all given offense, whether intentionally or unintentionally. And, we will get offended again and we will offend again. The challenge is: how quickly can we get over it? How quickly can we let it go? Because, when we are walking around offended, we are missing […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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