Obligation and False Obligations

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Obligation and False Obligations We often manufacture a sense of obligation. This then has us be trapped and not have freedom of choice. We cannot do what we want or what would be best for us because we owe someone. However, most of the time, these obligations are not real. They only exist in our […]


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Boundaries Personal boundaries that are not enforced are not boundaries. If there is not a consequence to the person who acted inappropriately, then they will most likely do it again. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. […]

The cure for loss of momentum

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The cure for loss of momentum When we are driving, we lose momentum for all kinds of reasons – stoplights, stop signs, traffic patterns, detours, bad driving by others, etc. However, this is certainly not a problem. It is simply a part of driving. And, it is really easy to start regaining momentum – step […]

Procrastination always makes sense

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Procrastination always makes sense  We can become very frustrated with ourselves when we procrastinate. However, when we uncover the lousy or limiting story that we are telling ourselves about that action or activity, we see that procrastination is always a perfectly appropriate response to that story. The cure then is simple. Tell ourselves a different […]

Are you a security risk?

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Are You a Security Risk? Imagine that I know some top-secret information and then I started telling people about it. There would be some serious consequences for sharing that information with people who did not have the proper security clearance. I would be considered a serious security risk. We all have top-secret information – our […]

Peace of Mind and Trust

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Peace of Mind and Trust  My mom had a stroke on Nov 19th. She’s been in a rehab center since then. She’s made great progress and still has some healing to do. Historically, my mom has been super independent and does not like accepting assistance. But, she seems to be doing exceptionally well with her situation […]

Discomfort = the price of your ticket

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Discomfort = the price of your ticket  Average performers run away from discomfort. Above average performers take action in the face of discomfort. So, for most people, the work to be done is to start to embrace discomfort – to start to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. If mediocrity is the goal then we don’t […]

How many times?

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How many times?  Q: How many times do we need to let go of something? A: As many as it takes – unless we would prefer to suffer and to stay stuck. It is like the boxer who was asked about his secret to success ~ “I always got up one more time after I […]

Support vs criticism

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Support vs criticism  What’s the ratio of support to judgment, criticism, and opinions that you receive from others? What’s the ratio of support to judgment, criticism, and opinions that you give to others? What would happen if we gave more support and less of the other stuff? Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ […]

The Wrong Bill of Rights

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The Wrong Bill of Rights  Most of us are very committed to our rights – our right to be hurt, offended, wronged, abandoned, wounded, disrespected, misunderstood, to take things personally, to get our feelings hurt. What would happen and how would we have to think and behave if we forever waived our rights to these […]

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