No offense meant

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No Offense Meant I overheard a conversation today where the guy said, “no offense meant” and then he used a racially derogatory expression to a member of that race. Obviously, if we ever think “no offense meant”, we are about to say something that is going to be offensive. And, the best plan here is […]

Persistence, courage, resistance, and risk

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Persistence, Courage, Resistance and Risk Persistence is a key success factor in any endeavor. However, persistence can easily get derailed if we don’t understand the relationship between courage, resistance, and risk. If there isn’t any risk in our lives, then we are not living a life that is worth living. We are not anywhere near the […]

Effective communication

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Effective Communication Effective communication (effective selling, effective speaking, effective relationship building, effective persuasion, effective discussion, effective asking for what we want) starts with us getting our attention off of ourselves and onto the other person or onto the “we” that makes up the relationship. If our attention is just on ourselves and how that other […]

Dominion over money

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Dominion Over Money I heard money expert, Dave Ramsey, say that we need to have dominion over money. Webster’s 1828 tells us that dominion means to have sovereign or supreme authority, and the power of governing and controlling. Dominion means having the power to direct, control, use and dispose of at pleasure. Dominion gives right […]

The work to be done

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The Work to be Done In a nutshell, the work I do with people is to help them see their lousy, limiting, disempowering, lie-based stories that they are telling themselves and then to replace those stories with better ones. Any time that we are hesitating, avoiding, procrastinating, under-performing, or resisting – it is because we […]

Risk, vulnerability, and getting what you want

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Risk, Vulnerability, and Getting What You Want I recently witnessed a father daughter interaction. It seemed that the teenager daughter was supposed to go into the restaurant and buy some to-go food while dad stayed in the car. However, the daughter didn’t seem to want to go by herself and was begging the father to […]

An interesting question

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An Interesting Question Take a minute and ponder this question: What do people feel and experience when they are around you? And does the answer vary with context?  Would your friends have a different answer than your family, or your coworkers, or your neighbors, or . . .? If you don’t like your answers, you […]

Choose kind

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Choose Kind Regardless of the circumstance, we can always be kind. Kindness comes from love. And, we can love even when someone is screwing up, or trying to cause us problems, or is making poor choices. We can be kind and still stand up for ourselves, protect ourselves, or even administer consequences. It just depends […]

Love your neighbor

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Love your Neighbor I’ve been thinking about love lately. I see that our job, our mission, our simple instructions are to love one another. That’s what we were born to do. That’s what we should be known for. I also see that I have plenty of room to mature in this area. It is easy […]

Looking to be saved

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Looking to Be Saved The number one piece of head trash is “I’m not enough”. Then since people believe they are not enough, they look to someone or something to save them. Obviously, this is very disempowering, and it creates a resistance to doing the simple things that move us forward (since they won’t be […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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