Laughing at Ourselves

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Laughing at Ourselves A good measure of self-kindness is our ability to laugh at ourselves. Self-judgment will have us beat up on ourselves. Yesterday I locked myself out which required Kendrick to drive across town and bring another key. Although I did not enjoy inconveniencing him, I did not beat up on myself. (Years ago, […]

The impact we have on others ~ unconsciously offensive

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The impact we have on others ~ unconsciously offensive I had an overnight flight last night from Manila to Port Moresby. The guy sitting in front of me seemed to need to readjust himself about every 5 minutes. And, he seemed intent on doing it in the most forceful way possible. It was like he […]

Touching their hearts

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Touching their hearts Yesterday was the Nurse Force Global mission to Indulang in Talakag in Bukidnon. We saw over 220 families. Some treatments were provided, some recommendations were made, some medicines were dispensed, and everyone got fed. And then there will be future follow up on what was started yesterday. So, some people who needed […]

I am the answer to a need

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I Am the Answer to a Need As I was lying in bed early this morning, listening to all the roosters trying to convince me that it was time to get up, I thought about all the times that I listened to the small still voice that told me to go to Project CURE ( […]

Non-attachment to the results

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Non-Attachment to the Results Yesterday Kendrick and I drove for about 45 minutes to talk to the mayor of Talakag, Bukidnon about the upcoming Nurse Force Global event and to get his official blessing. Although we had been told that he’d be there anytime before noon, he wasn’t, and so we ended up waiting for […]

How quickly can we get unhooked?

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How Quickly Can We Get Unhooked? I truly hope that I can get to the point where I am unoffendable. But, I’m not there yet. In the meantime, the game is to see just how quickly I can get unhooked. Step one: realizing we are offended, or hurt or hanging on to something, or . […]

Different does not equal bad

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Different Does not Equal Bad A little time in the Tokyo airport and the airport transit hotel – and I saw that they do a lot of things differently than we do in Colorado. This made me think about how many of us are conditioned to think that different is bad. Different is not bad. […]

Guidelines and rules

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Guidelines and Rules There are times for rules and times for guidelines. It is to our benefit to know the difference. Rules in a guidelines situation will have us be unnecessarily rigid and have us miss opportunities. Guidelines in a rules situation can make us unsafe, unreliable, and can alienate others. Much Love, Jonathan

What defines people?

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What defines people? What comes into people – circumstances, influences, other people – does not define them. What comes out of people does define them. Much Love, Jonathan photo credit: PeterThoeny <a href=”″>It’s bright out there</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>(license)</a>

Putting out fires vs. taking care of business

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Putting Out Fires vs. Taking Care of Business We will have stuff come up in our lives – the flat tires, the appliances that need replacing, the sick kid who rearranges your schedule, unforeseen urgencies that demand time, attention, and resources . . . These things will happen. But, we get to choose how we […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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