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“just”  Watch out for the word “just” in your thinking and speaking. It is an innocent enough sounding word that has tremendous power to undercut. It discounts, disempowers, trivializes, and makes us less than. Feel the difference between “it’s just me” and “it’s me”. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily […]

It is your life and you are welcome to it

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It is your life and you are welcome to it  Years ago, a friend told me a story about what happened at a personal growth retreat that he attended. The leader was working with one guy. And, the guy deflected, contradicted, and disputed everything the leader tried to point out. Finally, the leader said, “I’m […]

Moving forwards

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Moving forwards    We cannot move forward while clinging to the past. Yes, we have all made non-ideal choices. Yes, we have all made mistakes. If I had a time machine, there are many things I would go back and do differently. And . . . this is all part of being a human. So, […]

Darth Vader’s less scary brother, Darth Cupcake

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Darth Vader’s less scary brother, Darth Cupcake  “Darth Vader” that just sounds tough, scary, and evil. The effect would not have been the same if they called him “Darth Cupcake”. That sounds silly, wimpy, and even emasculating. We can do ourselves a huge favor by giving disempowering, silly, or emasculating names to those characters in […]

How in the heck did pouting get started?

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How in the heck did pouting get started?  I’ve seen a lot of pouting lately, both adults and younger people. And all of these recent sightings have been at events that are fun. This got me to thinking about how weird and crazy us humans are sometimes. I know that I have never pouted myself […]


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Belonging  “I don’t belong” is a close relative of “I’m not enough”. That thought causes a lot of pain and suffering. The antidote is quite simple ~ create belonging. Instead of waiting to see how or if you fit in, extend a sense of belonging to others. Reach out to help others feel welcomed, seen, […]


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Unoffendable  What would it take for you to be unoffendable? What impact would that have on your life? On your relationships? On your happiness? On your finances?  Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. Even better, invite […]

Declining the option to win the day

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Declining the option to win the day  Imagine that the football team has 4th and goal from the 1 yard line with 5 seconds left and that they are losing by 4 points so they need a touchdown. Then imagine the football team just taking a knee and giving up without trying. Maybe they are […]

A bad idea

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A bad idea  Sales training teaches us that if we make a prospect feel stupid, they probably are not going to buy from us. We can do this by using jargon, big words, acronyms, by making things unnecessarily complicated, by acting superior . . . That seems like a good strategy to apply everywhere in […]

Ranches and rivers and rivers of money

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Ranches and rivers and rivers of money  A common money saboteur is the idea that money comes from people and so if I take your money then you will have less. But since I’m a good guy, I cannot do that to you so therefore I better not take your money (or at least give […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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