A bunch of people are about to go into coast-mode because after all it is the holiday season. In their minds, it is time to take their foot off of the gas. But, there is still one quarter of 2014 left. So how do you want to finish 2014 ~ with a fizzle or a […]
Policies & Procedures For Life ~ A Guide To Live Boldly
When we experience discomfort, we immediately have a choice to either shrink, retreat, and play it safe – or to expand, lean into the discomfort, and take bold action. Most people’s default setting is to shrink and retreat. This is not the way to create the life of your dreams and get what you want! […]
A Tale of Two Sticks
Perspective ~ Really, It Can Be Changed
I was with a group of people on Sunday who had attended an all-day training the day before. Everyone shared their big take-away. Every single big aha involved a change in perspective, a different way of looking at something, someone, or themselves. So often we think that our perspective (the one we stumbled […]
The Familiar Zone
The Familiar Zone People often talk about needing to get out of their comfort zone. I think “familiar zone” is a much better term because a lot of the status quo that we embrace really isn’t all that comfortable. It isn’t comfortable to stress about money. It is not comfortable to feel like you aren’t […]
Couples Money or a Colonoscopy
Couples Money or a Colonoscopy I got together with my friends, Chris and Marlow Felton, today. They wrote an amazing book, Couples Money. We got to talking about how important it is for couples to be on the same page about money (80% plus of all divorces have a money component to them). But this […]
Stern Serious and Playful Serious
How To Make It Easy To Get Into Action
Not Having Fun
Not Having Fun When we notice that we aren’t having fun, we have 3 options. Option 1 is to soldier on and keep doing it anyway. What this option fails to take into account is the consequences of lowering our energy, aliveness, and enthusiasm. When this happens, life becomes so much harder. Productivity and effectiveness […]
Remember the Deeper Purpose of LOA
Remember the Deeper Purpose of LOA There is the shallow understanding of the Law of Attraction ~ how do I get more stuff? Then there is the deeper understanding ~ how do I shift my approach to life so that I live a life of kindness, open-heartedness, beauty, love, happiness, centeredness, and acceptance? When we […]