I approve of me

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I approve of me  Say out loud, “I approve of me.” When you say that, does it feel true or not true? We always find the evidence necessary to support our view point. So, we can either search for reasons to approve of ourselves, or we can search for reasons to disapprove of ourselves. Most […]

Resolutions, Commitment, and New Beginnings

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Resolutions, Commitment, and New Beginnings  It is January 1st. Change is in the air. People are optimistic about new beginnings and different ways of doing life. Commitments have been made. And . . . the optimism and the change won’t last unless they are accompanied by some deeper work. Our behaviors are driven by our […]

Win the Day

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Win the Day  Big goals typically are not achieved in a day. I cannot lose 40lbs today. I cannot go from out of shape to marathon ready in a day. I’m probably not going to double my income today. We cannot climb a mountain by taking one big step. However, we can climb that same […]

To get out of a rut

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To get out of a rut  We are all going to get into a rut now and then – it is part of being human. However, we certainly don’t have to stay there. All it takes is one action to either get us out of the rut or to start the process of getting out […]

When yes means no and no means yes

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When yes means no and no means yes  When we say “yes” to doing something then we are saying “no” to everything else. For example, when I say “yes” to a coaching session then that is the only way I can use that one-hour time. All the hundreds of other ways that I could use […]

Recognizing Progress

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Recognizing Progress 2 years ago I wrote a Daily Dose about my fishing trip to Alaska. I talked about how I was frustrated because I had so many salmon on but couldn’t land any of them. Meanwhile other people around me were landing fish after fish. However, there were also people who were frustrated by […]

Unfolding Perfectly

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Unfolding Perfectly Being in Alaska has given me several opportunities to reflect on my life and how it has perfectly unfolded. Looking back, I can see those forks in the road where if I had turned a different direction, my life would look very different than it does now. Laura, who took us on a […]

When the numbers are down

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When the numbers are down   Traditional sales tell us that when our numbers are down, we need to step up our activity. We need to step up our doing. Traditional life strategies tell us that when things are not going the way we want; we need to do more. We need to step up […]

If you don’t celebrate, how is it supposed to be fun?

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If you don’t celebrate, how is it supposed to be fun? We went bowling the other night. My daughter was rolling her ball down the lane and then walking back to the seats without any reaction to what her ball had done. I asked her, “If you don’t celebrate, how are you going to have […]

Even Though . . .

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Even Though . . . Even though statements are a great tool to allow our brains to shift gears and to get ourselves out of a rut. Over the weekend I was experiencing some “friction” with someone. Every time I used an even though (Even though this is going on, I choose to be happy.), […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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