The Evidence Challenge

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The Evidence Challenge We will always find evidence to support our point of view. So, we better make sure that we are searching for evidence that contributes to us rather than limits us. What point of view are you supporting? Are you arguing for your limitations or for your greatness? I invite you to take […]


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I heard a fascinating presentation from Tom Tillapaugh, the founder of The Denver Street School. He said that the key to helping at-risk youth is to have people who are willing to provide sacrificial intervention to the point of extreme inconvenience. i.e. they need support and mentoring from already successful people who already have full […]

Inspired Action

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Inspired action can often look like you are not doing very much ~ but a lot happens. So, what exactly is inspired action? Let’s start with what it is not: any action taken from a should, have to, must, or need to. It is also not any action taken with the intent that this action […]

A different sort of Daily Dose today

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Q: Why is your inbox filled with spam? A: Because it works. As long as it keeps working, the spammers will keep spamming. If we want spam to go away, we need to never ever never never purchase anything from a spam email. Even if the spam triggers a latent need (by gosh I do […]

3 green lights needed

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1) Is it safe to move forward? YES! There is no failure – just feedback. “Not safe” is just a crappy story. 2) Am I ready? YES! ~ Not because you already have all your ducks in a row (you don’t), know everything you need to know (not a chance), and are prepared for every […]

Argue for greatness

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We can either argue for our limitations or we can argue for our greatness. These two produce wildly different results. Mass consciousness has taught us to argue for our limitations – and that’s a pretty crappy strategy. What if we spent all that energy and effort arguing for our greatness instead. Much Love, Jonathan I […]

The Other Side of the Coin

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You often hear people talk about ~ only do what you love. And, there’s a lot of wisdom to that. When we do what we love, our energy, excitement, enthusiasm, and desire to be in action are all up. This makes us far more magnetic to our good. However, there is also the other side […]

These Two Things Are Not The Same

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Activity and busyness are not the same as effectiveness and results. People often confuse these two. It is not about the number of activities we have e.g. 1×1 meetings or phone calls. It is about the results they produce. The more effective and efficient we become, the less busy we need to be. Effectiveness and […]

You Can Lead A Horse To Water . . .

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I end up talking to clients about this all the time ~ it is impossible to be responsible for another person’s happiness, success, feelings, etc. These are things that we cannot possibly control. Any and every time that we try to be responsible for another person will inevitably end up in suffering. However, there are […]

Redefining Risky Business and the Safer Path

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It is almost impossible to escape the gravitational pull of our comfort zones when we are operating under the story that comfort equals safety. The number one human need is safety and survival – so if we have it wired that getting out of our comfort zone is not safe – it will be impossible […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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