Speed Bumps

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Speed Bumps We will hit some speed bumps in life (things not going the way we wanted them to, unforeseen complications etc.). Sure, we want to hit as few of them as possible and – it is inevitable that we will hit some. What matters most is what we do after we hit the speed […]

Waking Up

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Waking Up Many people start their day in scarcity because their first thought is a “not enough” thought. “I did not get enough sleep.” This sets the tone for the whole day. Yes, one can get over this but, it is starting the day in a hole which means effort and energy are required to […]

Life Described by Legos

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Life Described by Legos Imagine that you are building a huge structure out of Legos and that you need to add another Lego piece every minute. Now imagine that every so often you hit a funk and get into an “I don’t feel like it” mode. In these times, you just add a random Lego […]

The gravity of the status quo

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The gravity of the status quo When dealing with others (in sales and otherwise) we often forget that one of their options is to do nothing, to embrace the status quo. They don’t have to change, improve, seek a better solution, seek an answer, etc. Due to things like fear of change, comfort zones, disbelief […]

Weather the Storm

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I talked to a client today who has some really intense personal stuff going on. So we talked about how to manage her mind with regards to this rather than focusing on her business. One of the things we talked about was to be kind to herself during this stressful time – and do what […]

These Things Really Do Work

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These Things Really Do Work I ran into a friend tonight at a holiday party. I hadn’t seen him in years. He told me a great story. A few years ago he was in a rough place. A stranger was deliberately nice to him. After pondering this, he decided that he would commit to doing […]

Sort of open for business

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Sort of open for business I was working with a client today. She said, “I’m almost ready . . .” NO NO NO. If you tell the waiter that you are almost ready to order, no food is headed your way. If you tell God that you are almost ready to launch, no coincidences, aide, […]

Be Amazing

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Today – Go be amazing!  Use your skills, talents, and abilities to make this world a better place. Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people live better lives. So, if you know someone who would benefit from today’s thoughts, please pass […]

Deciphering the Hamburger Wrapper

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Deciphering the Hamburger Wrapper If you were walking down the street and you noticed that there was a hamburger wrapper stuck to the bottom of your shoe, would you spend a lot of time analyzing the situation? What burger chain is this from? Where exactly did this get attached to my shoe? Is the gluing […]

Money Stories

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Money Stories Money does not have any stories about you. However, we tend to have lots of stories about money – many of which are not very useful. Money is perfectly ready to come to us. We just need to upgrade our stories about money. How do you do that? Effort over time – getting […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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