Noblesse Oblige

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Noblesse Oblige  Noblesse oblige is an old phrase that means, nobility obliges. People of a high rank have an obligation to behave generously, honorably, and responsibly. This sounds like a pretty great way for all people to live. Too bad so many don’t. From my limited understanding of the Equifax security breach, it sure doesn’t […]

Inner Attorney

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Inner Attorney  What would happen if we fired our inner attorney – you know that guy or gal inside of us who starts building a big dramatic case as soon as someone doesn’t behave the way we think they should. The attorney is amazing at coming up with all kinds of reasons why we are […]

Life or death, curses or blessings

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Life or death, curses or blessings  Probably the simplest way to look at it is ~ we are either pronouncing words of life over ourselves or words of death. We are either cursing ourselves or blessing ourselves. This includes what we say out loud, what we think, and what the little voices in our heads […]

This too shall pass

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This too shall pass  “This too shall pass.” These are important words to remember to help us maintain perspective and peace of mind. The low energy state we are in – this too shall pass. The slump – this too shall pass. The hurt and heart break – this too shall pass. The high energy […]

Identity Issues

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Identity Issues  It is impossible to do better than we think we are. We cannot out-perform our identity. But, our identity is not the truth about who we are. It is more just a compilation of habits – habits of how we perceive ourselves, and habits of how we act, think, and feel. And, habits […]

A Weak Flashlight Battery

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A Weak Flashlight Battery  A weak flashlight battery cannot produce very much light. When we spend too much time in unfavorable environments, we get drained. When our batteries are weak, we don’t shine very bright at all. Our vitality is low. Our desire to get into productive action is low. And, we are not very […]

I Owe I Owe so off to work I go

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I Owe I Owe so off to work I go  People often get trapped in situations because they think that they owe somebody something and therefore they are not free to move on. “I cannot quit this job and move on to something better because I owe the company. They took a chance on me […]

Trying too hard

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Trying too hard  Whenever my setting in volleyball gets inaccurate, it is most likely that I’m trying too hard to give my partner the perfect set so that he can crush it. I just need to breathe, relax, have fun, and get my mind out of the way so that my body can do what […]

Gratitude for things we take for granted

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Gratitude for things we take for granted  We are members of Monroe Organic Farms (community shared agriculture). Yesterday I went to the farm for member picking day. I spent about 3 hours picking tomatoes, chili peppers, poblano peppers, jalapeno peppers, and onions. By the time I finished, it was 90+ degrees and I was hot, […]

Crossing the Grand Canyon of Disbelief

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Crossing the Grand Canyon of Disbelief  Our self-image (who we think we are) is an incredibly powerful force in our lives. And, most often people have a “less than” opinion of themselves. This can create the Grand Canyon effect – where the successful people are way over there on the other side of the Grand […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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