Crossing the Grand Canyon of Disbelief 

Our self-image (who we think we are) is an incredibly powerful force in our lives. And, most often people have a “less than” opinion of themselves.
This can create the Grand Canyon effect – where the successful people are way over there on the other side of the Grand Canyon and the average people are over here – and it pretty much seems impossible to get over to the other side. This can easily create resignation or hopelessness and create a “why bother” about getting into action.
However, the only place this Grand Canyon exists is in people’s heads. It is not true! There is no uncrossable chasm.
But, if we keep believing the little voice that tells us we are less than – then things will never change.
Much Love,
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photo credit: acase1968 10-photo photomerge of the Grand Canyon from the south rim via photopin (license)
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