Loved and Lovable

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Say out loud, “I am loved” and, “I am lovable” and notice how they feel. If these two statements do not feel 100% true, you have some important work to do in the personal growth gym. If you have head trash about being loved then it is harder for others to contribute to you. If […]

If it isn’t possible . . .

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I talked with a couple of people today who had “it isn’t possible” going on. If it isn’t possible then taking any sort of action in that direction is simply foolish. Why would we bother if there’s no chance of it working out? It is so important that we check in on “is it possible” […]

Venting vs. Recycling

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Sometimes saying something negative out loud can help us to let go of it. Sometimes it just needs to be voiced so that it doesn’t have to keep circling in our heads. However, if you notice that you are venting on the same issue again and again – you are not venting. You are recycling. […]

A Mathematical Look At Life

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We are the sum total of all of our vibrations, the positive and the negative. And that sum total determines what we attract ~ and more importantly, our level of happiness. 9+7-6-8-9+11-4+3-6+9-5+5-6+7-8+3+6+2-5+8-3-4+7-1+9=21 Every hurt we forgive, every grudge we drop, every bit of head trash we release, every consciousness upgrade we make increases our total, […]

Quit Trying To Change Behaviors

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Stories are deeper than behaviors. Stories drive behaviors. So when we try and change our behaviors without first upgrading the stories that drive them, all we can use is will-power, effort, and force – none of which are sustainable – all of which leave us feeling wrung out, worn out, and frustrated because the behavior […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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