Compensation and Value

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Compensation and Value We are compensated to the extent that we own our value. And, most people have some work to do on owning their value and seeing what value they bring to the world. Also, sometimes we don’t recognize the true value of our gifts and talents. They are invisible to us like water […]

Twisted Logic

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Twisted Logic I’m not worthy to get there because I have not gotten there yet! That sounds ridiculous! It is not logical. And – that twisted belief dominates many people’s lives. If that rings a bell with you – you have some letting go homework to do. (Thanks to Steve Johnsen for today’s Dose) Much […]

Redefining Loving Ourselves

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We often view letting ourselves off the hook or cutting ourselves some slack as loving ourselves. In some situations this is probably accurate but more often than not it isn’t. It is actually self-sabotage and self-damage. One definition of emotional maturity is doing the “right” thing even when you don’t feel like it. Usually in […]

Essential To Be Refreshed

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I often hear people say that they feel guilty if they take any downtime or that they don’t give themselves permission to have downtime, to relax, or to play. There is time for relaxation, play, and fun (and a time for hard work)! Otherwise, what’s the point? Whenever we say something like this, it is […]

Warped Luxury of Negative Self Talk

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If you want to believe in yourself and be more confident, you cannot afford the warped luxury of negative self talk. It is impossible to believe in yourself when you are calling yourself a “loser” (and worse). Negative self talk is just a habit. Habits can be changed! Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily […]

Is it worth it?

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Sometimes all we need to do is ask ourselves this question: Is it worth it? Is it worth it to get upset? Is it worth it to worry? Is it worth it to get down on myself? Is it worth it to compare myself to others? Is it worth it to hang onto my anger? […]

Stop Believing The Lies

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I imagine that somewhere along the line you have looked into a fun house mirror ~ one of those mirrors that totally distorts your reflection and makes your body look ridiculously out of proportion. When you do this, you don’t believe what you see. You know it is a distortion. You know it is a […]

Toot Your Own Horn

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Many of us were raised under the admonition to “not toot your own horn”. This easily and frequently devolves into “don’t recognize your own value”. And when we don’t recognize our own value, we get in our own way – big time. Say out loud, “I have value to offer” and rate how that feels […]

OK for others to contribute to me

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Say out loud, “It is okay for others to contribute to me.” Then rate how true that feels. For most people, this does not feel very true. Some people can hardly even say the words. We’ve got head trash about what it means to ask for help and about allowing others to contribute to us. We […]

Free From The Good Opinion of Others

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Years ago, I was listening to a Wayne Dyer program on cassette tape (that tells you how long ago this was). At one point he mentioned the 3 qualities of a self-actualized individual. I don’t remember what 2 of the 3 qualities are but I will always remember the impact the 3rd quality had on […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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