What do you think? How can you ever get wealthy if you think like a poor person? How can you ever get in shape if you think like an out of shape person? How can you ever get happy if you think like an unhappy person? How can you ever be a creator if you […]
Never present always guilty
Never present always guilty Does this sound familiar ~ doing one thing but feeling guilty that you should be doing something else? For instance, you might be spending time with the family but feel guilty that you are not working. Then you start working and feel guilty that you aren’t spending time with the family. […]
100 times an hour
100 times an hour Here’s an odd thing: People have no problem saying the same lousy negative thing to themselves over and over and over and over and over… For example, someone makes a mistake and then over and over they say, “I’m such an idiot!” Now how in the world does this help? Does […]
If Only
Background Thought
Background Thought I talked recently with a client. His background predominant thought is – “this is not working.” Another client had, “I’m a screw up.” Many clients have had, “This business is hard.” Many clients have had, “I’m not okay because of this childhood thing.” And on and on. When our predominant background thought is […]
Isn’t that interesting aka the freak show
Isn’t that interesting aka the freak show It is a little known fact but we actually don’t have to take it personally when someone is in a bad mood, treats us poorly, misbehaves, or behaves in a way that we don’t like. Rather than taking it personally, a much better option is to look at […]
Criticism vs. appreciation
Criticism vs. appreciation It does not take any more effort to look for things to appreciate in others than it does to look for things to criticize. However, most people are far more willing to criticize than they are to appreciate. It is their habit. Criticism comes with a cost that most people are oblivious […]
Letting Go Test
Letting Go Test Probably the easiest way to tell if we have fully let go, or fully forgiven, is to run that person or situation through our minds. If it flows through smoothly and is gone, then we have successfully let go. If it gets stuck or stirs up an emotional response, then we have […]