Deep peace and surface storms Deep down I’ve always had this sense that things are going to be okay, things are going to work out, I’ll be taken care of, that everything is all right. (I don’t know if this is the case for most people. I suspect it is, but I don’t know. Is […]
Impossible to do better than our thinking will allow
Impossible to do better than our thinking will allow It is early January and people are seriously thinking about doing better this year. But, it is impossible to do better than our thinking will allow. So, how are you going to upgrade your thinking so that you can achieve “doing better”? If you don’t upgrade, […]
Tarnished vs broken
Tarnished vs broken A very common trap that people fall into is thinking that they are bad or wrong or broken or need to be fixed. This means that they believe that something is wrong with them at a fundamental level of their being. This perspective is inaccurate and very damaging. Imagine a silver platter […]
Taking care of others – a win win sort of thing
Taking care of others – a win win sort of thing The lone wolf, the fierce individualist, the lonely genius, the egocentric win-at-all-costs jerk – these are all dinosaurs. The more we learn about people, the clearer it becomes that we are meant to connect, support, interact, and contribute to one another. The whole can […]
Real men
Real men Somewhere we have gotten way off track – that these random acts of violence are happening so often. We need to change the narrative. There’s nothing even remotely manly about hurting innocent and defenseless people. Real men take care of people, protect the innocent, and help the underdog. That’s what real men do. […]
Getting indignant
Getting indignant If I started spreading nasty lies about you every chance I got, you’d probably get upset with me, get mad at me, and even get indignant about how I dare to do that. So how come we tolerate that little voice that is spreading nasty lies about ourselves to ourselves. What if we […]
Inner Attorney
A Weak Flashlight Battery
A Weak Flashlight Battery A weak flashlight battery cannot produce very much light. When we spend too much time in unfavorable environments, we get drained. When our batteries are weak, we don’t shine very bright at all. Our vitality is low. Our desire to get into productive action is low. And, we are not very […]
Choosing sides
Choosing sides A very simple yet powerful thing we can do to shift perspectives, moods, expectations, fields of attraction, thoughts and more is to choose which side we are on. And, the words “I agree” help us to do this. For example: I disagree with confusion. I agree to clarity. I disagree with scarcity. I […]