Taking care of others – a win win sort of thing ![](https://jonathanmanske.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/28300475284_a111c6a80b-300x169.jpg)
The lone wolf, the fierce individualist, the lonely genius, the egocentric win-at-all-costs jerk – these are all dinosaurs.
The more we learn about people, the clearer it becomes that we are meant to connect, support, interact, and contribute to one another. The whole can be so much more than the sum of the parts.
Research shows that success, well-being, happiness, and even personal performance are all connected to those around us. The better they do, the better we tend to do.
So, how good are you at building those meaningful connections? How good are you at lifting up and inspiring others? And, do you treat it as a priority?
Much Love,
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photo credit: PresidenciaRD Reumatología y terapias biológicas en Darío Contreras para salud de los pobres via photopin (license)
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