Let’s hop into our time machine and go back to high school algebra ~ 24 + X = 47. Since we know 2 of the values, it is easy (depending on your affinity for math) to figure out the 3rd value, the unknown: X = 23. Who says algebra was useless? We can apply this […]
It Was Working So Well I Stopped Doing It
Imagine getting into really good shape and then stopping your workouts because you are already in shape. That would be pretty ridiculous. And yet, people do this all the time in other areas of their lives. Things are working so well that they stop doing the things that got them there in the first place. […]
Blind Spots
Excuse Me, Did You Know There Is A Shark In Your Swimming Pool?
Letting Go of the Past
Couples Money or a Colonoscopy
Couples Money or a Colonoscopy I got together with my friends, Chris and Marlow Felton, today. They wrote an amazing book, Couples Money. We got to talking about how important it is for couples to be on the same page about money (80% plus of all divorces have a money component to them). But this […]
Willing and Aware
Willing and Aware Much of personal growth boils down to willingness and awareness. If we aren’t willing to face our fears, get out of our comfort zone, or challenge what we think is the truth ~ then our results will stay the same. If we aren’t willing to put in the time and the effort […]
Remember the Deeper Purpose of LOA
Remember the Deeper Purpose of LOA There is the shallow understanding of the Law of Attraction ~ how do I get more stuff? Then there is the deeper understanding ~ how do I shift my approach to life so that I live a life of kindness, open-heartedness, beauty, love, happiness, centeredness, and acceptance? When we […]
Your #1 Success Strategy
Your #1 Success Strategy I recently finished a month long group coaching program. All of the participants mentioned that they loved the program and that it was quite different from what they expected. That is because we almost always tend to think about success and improved results in terms of “doing” rather than in terms […]