Beyond Books I had a discussion today with some friends about the books that had impacted our lives. Everyone had different favorites. That’s the beauty of books – there’s always the right book for the right situation, that will provide us with what we need. And, these books have a miraculous way of finding us. […]
Consistent with his vision
Consistent with his vision Colonel Hadfield, an astronaut, knew at age 9 that he wanted to be an astronaut. So, he started living in a way that was in alignment with his vision. He asked himself things like – Would an astronaut eat a healthy breakfast or sugary cereal? Would an astronaut sleep in […]
Surface motivators and true motivators
Surface motivators and true motivators “Money and/or success” – that is the common answer to the question, “What motivates you?” However, very few people are actually motivated by money or success. That is their surface default answer, the one they have been trained to give by society. After all, isn’t that what we are supposed […]
Changing Habits
Changing Habits This is the time of year when people think about or attempt to change habits. The thing to keep in mind in this process is that the most important habit to change is the habit of how you think about yourself. Without changing how we think about ourselves, the other attempts at change […]
Two sentence life strategy
Two sentence life strategy Be kind! Be grateful! Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. Even better, invite them to subscribe. Help me in my mission to help people to do better and to live better. Thanks! […]
Outcomes we’ve never even considered
Outcomes we’ve never even considered Probably everyone has an area(s) in their lives where there are possibilities they’ve never even considered. Here’s an easy example of this: Many small business owners don’t think about profits, they simply think about having enough to pay the bills and then pay themselves enough to pay the other bills, […]
The stuff is the path
The stuff is the path The circumstances, the crap, the stuff that happens is the path to improvement. For example – becoming happier. Anyone can be happy in nice weather but it takes a pro to be happy in storms and foul weather. So, we learn to become happier by choosing to practice happiness when […]
Moving cows and changing the world
Moving cows and changing the world Let’s start with a disclaimer: I am not a cow scientist so this could be inaccurate. When cows move, they don’t have a big planning meeting first to determine the optimal direction. Instead, one cow starts moving. Then another cow sees the first cow moving and thinks, “hey (not […]