Outcomes we’ve never even considered 

Probably everyone has an area(s) in their lives where there are possibilities they’ve never even considered.
Here’s an easy example of this: Many small business owners don’t think about profits, they simply think about having enough to pay the bills and then pay themselves enough to pay the other bills, like groceries and the home mortgage. And then they repeat this the next month.
This is an opportunity to expand their vision for what could be possible and to start to aim for profits. Once they start aiming for that, they have a chance to achieve it. As long as it doesn’t even exist as a possibility, they won’t achieve it.
Are there any areas in your life where you have limited yourself on what is possible? What other outcomes might be possible?
Much Love,
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photo credit: pmarkham 2014 Sleigh and Cutter Festival – Horse Head and Bridle via photopin (license)
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