What you think of me

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What you think of me  So often we assume that what other people are thinking about us or will think about us if we (fill in the blank) is negative. Wouldn’t it be a total game changer if we assumed that they are or will think something like – “(insert your name here) is pretty […]

Unpayable parking ticket

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Unpayable parking ticket  I often see that one of the major issues (head trash) holding people back is guilt (and almost everybody has some). We need to deal with that in order to set them free to move forward. Because, how can a person be rewarded, how can good come in, if he or she […]

Coming from love???

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Coming from love???  Any time that we think and or act in a way that creates offense, discouragement, or disappointment, it is a sure thing that we are not interacting with people from a place of love. And then we all lose. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke […]

But what about me

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But what about me  The “what about me” attitude is so common in our world. Any time that we are in this thinking, we are in scarcity thinking. When we also look out for the interests of others, we automatically embrace abundance. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke […]

Honoring our parents

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Honoring our parents  I had an aha this morning that made my head spin. I’ve long since come to terms with the fact that my parents were always doing the best that they knew how to do, and I have forgiven them (for their shortcomings, mistakes, and the like). I’m also very clear that even […]

Love does not require liking

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Love does not require liking  It is easy to love the people that we like. And, it is easy to not love the people that we don’t like. But, this is a very damaging trap to fall into. First of all, when I judge people and withhold love – this does not make my life […]

Change and apathy

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Change and apathy   A common trap that people fall into is to think that change is not possible, that this is as good as it gets. This easily leads to apathy and resignation. After all, why bother to try or to even be engaged if change is not possible. So, if you find yourself […]

Deep peace and surface storms

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Deep peace and surface storms  Deep down I’ve always had this sense that things are going to be okay, things are going to work out, I’ll be taken care of, that everything is all right. (I don’t know if this is the case for most people. I suspect it is, but I don’t know. Is […]

Changing Habits

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Changing Habits  This is the time of year when people think about or attempt to change habits. The thing to keep in mind in this process is that the most important habit to change is the habit of how you think about yourself. Without changing how we think about ourselves, the other attempts at change […]

I must make things happen!

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I must make things happen!  Einstein said, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” But, many people live under an “I have to make things happen” orientation. This tends to produce stress, isolation, pressure and often leads to sadness, discouragement, and apathy. The “I have […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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