What in the world have we agreed to?

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What in the world have we agreed to?  Imagine that a kid makes a mistake and then mom or dad gets really mad. At that moment, the kid could create an agreement along the lines of “I’ll be perfect from now on and in exchange, you will never get mad at me again (because that […]

The cost of being disappointed in ourselves

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The cost of being disappointed in ourselves   When we act out of integrity (when we don’t do what we say we are going to do) we break trust with others and close doors on opportunity. When we act out of integrity, we also break trust with ourselves. There’s a part of us that is […]

Reset button

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Reset button  Whether yesterday was the most productive day ever, the least productive day ever, or somewhere in-between – today is a new day and a new opportunity to create. We get to choose what we create today. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it […]

Surefire recipe for creating hell on earth

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Surefire recipe for creating hell on earth  Here’s a surefire recipe for creating hell on earth ~ grumble, complain, and moan every chance you get. If that’s not what you want to create, then you’ll want to avoid doing those things. Instead, you might want to try a recipe of gratitude, praise, and looking for […]

Goal achieving does not equal arriving

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Goal achieving does not equal arriving  A mistake people make is to visualize to their goals rather than through their goals. Because after we hit a goal, there is still life to live. I haven’t “arrived” once I hit that goal. Let’s use the example of running a marathon. Absolutely I should celebrate crossing the […]

Feelings, Woo-oh-oh feelings. . .

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Feelings, Woo-oh-oh feelings. . .  We think that we are logical creatures because we can think. But, we are not. We are emotional creatures that sometimes use logic. Emotion drives us. (Any Sales 101 class will teach that people buy emotionally and then afterwards justify their purchase by using logic. So, if we want to […]

Triggers and Plans

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Triggers and Plans  If we don’t have a plan (and so often we don’t) to deal with getting triggered, then we just react. And, we usually react poorly. And, we will certainly get triggered. It is a part of life. If we have a pre-thought-out plan, then we can make a choice that serves us […]

I’m not into shame

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I’m not into shame   The other day I was working with a client on letting go of shame. The energy was so intense that I felt sick to my stomach. This got me to thinking about shame and how much shame there is in the world and how toxic shame is. For example ~ […]

Drifting along like a tumbling tumbleweed

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Drifting along like a tumbling tumbleweed  Tumbleweeds go wherever the wind decides to take them. They just drift. If we don’t know what matters most and where we want to go and then if we don’t have a plan and act around that plan – then we become human tumbleweeds. We just drift. And, the […]

Gratitude isn’t just a good idea

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Gratitude isn’t just a good idea  I know. I know. We have all heard about gratitude a million times. But it is such a powerful force and we can activate it at any time. And, positive change is almost impossible without gratitude. When we are not grateful for what we already have, then we are […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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