Triggers and Plans 

If we don’t have a plan (and so often we don’t) to deal with getting triggered, then we just react. And, we usually react poorly. And, we will certainly get triggered. It is a part of life.
If we have a pre-thought-out plan, then we can make a choice that serves us well.
Here are some examples: If I don’t have a plan for the late-night munchies, then when the late-night munchies strike, I will be eating ~ a behavior that is not congruent with my health, fitness, and wellness goals.
If I don’t have a plan for when my daughter forgets to do what she is supposed to do, then I will probably get grumpy with her ~ a behavior that is not congruent with my happiness or my parenting goals.
If I don’t have a plan to handle stress, then when stress occurs I might self-medicate ~ a behavior that is not congruent with who I want to be and how I want to live my life.
And so on . . . There are so many triggers like these that show up in our lives. If we don’t have a plan for these inevitable occurrences, then in effect we are planning to react poorly.
Time spent sitting down and planning appropriate responses to our triggers is time well spent.
Much Love,
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photo credit: PhoebeZu White Without + Last Week on my Planner via photopin (license)
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