Gratitude isn’t just a good idea 

I know. I know. We have all heard about gratitude a million times.
But it is such a powerful force and we can activate it at any time.
And, positive change is almost impossible without gratitude. When we are not grateful for what we already have, then we are making what we already have and where we are right now bad and wrong. And if our circumstances are bad and wrong, then we probably are too.
The consequences of “bad and wrong” thinking are ~ decreased energy and enthusiasm, less magnetic to our good, decreased confidence, decreased deserving and increased need to be punished, decreased optimism, harder to get into action, and our brains don’t work as well.
So, being grateful for what we already have is the first step to creating positive change. It is also the first step to loving our lives.
Much Love,
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photo credit: symphony of love Jack Kornfield Gratitude is a gracious acknowledgment of all that sustains us, a bow to our blessings, great and small via photopin (license)
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