“We Need to Talk”

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“We need to talk” When we feel the need to point out something to someone, we can have one of two orientations. We can come from love ~ wanting the best for that person, wanting to uplift, wanting to bless the other person’s life. Or we can come from not-love ~ irritation, annoyance, disappointment, frustration, […]

Procrastination always makes sense

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Procrastination always makes sense  We can become very frustrated with ourselves when we procrastinate. However, when we uncover the lousy or limiting story that we are telling ourselves about that action or activity, we see that procrastination is always a perfectly appropriate response to that story. The cure then is simple. Tell ourselves a different […]

Force fields are way better than armor

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Force fields are way better than armor   We were born loved and loving.  Then we had some experiences, were judged, experienced disapproval etc and we started to forget the truth about us.   Because these things hurt, we started putting on armor. However, the armor doesn’t really work. We keep getting hurt.    We need […]

My time is valuable

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My time is valuable  Say out loud, “My time is valuable” and notice how true that feels on a scale of 1 to 10. If that isn’t in the 8-10 range, then there’s a good chance that you are dealing with some of these issues: Time management challenges Frequently getting stood up or rescheduled Not […]

Reminding you

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Reminding you  I received a thank you card today. “Thank you for reminding me who I am, what I have, and what to do with it!” Wow!!! She nailed my job description – to remind you that you are amazing, wonderful, talented, loved, capable, and a much loved child of God – that you already […]

Really bad business card

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Really bad business card  Imagine a business card with the person’s name and then average CPA, mediocre hair stylist, okay lawyer, decent plumber, adequate coach, etc. Any chance of you choosing to do business with that person? People are often doing just this on an energetic level. Because they don’t own their value, skills, education, […]


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Self-Confidence  Many people would like to be more confident. From my experience and observation nothing builds confidence more than recognizing what we did or the result we produced. Saying, “I did that!” is incredibly affirming, nourishing and, builds both capacity and confidence. However, most of us have been taught some nonsense about “don’t toot your […]

I believe in you

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I believe in you  Most people have learned to not believe in themselves. And, they learned this by accident through life experiences (no one sets out to not believe in themselves). Next time you catch yourself in this frame of mind, sit down quietly for a couple of minutes and imagine person after person telling […]

You DO NOT need to be fixed

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You DO NOT need to be fixed  One of the biggest lies that mass consciousness tells us is that we need to be fixed. This is a lie!!! We are not broken. Sure, there are areas where we can upgrade. After all, there is always up from here. And, there is a huge difference in […]

The dilemma of asking for referrals

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The dilemma of asking for referrals  Oftentimes reluctance to ask for referrals comes from our need for approval and not fully owning our value. The head trash behind this goes something like this: If I really was good enough, then people would just naturally refer me. So, if I have to ask, that must mean […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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