What others are saying about you says more about them than it does about you. “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Although this sounds good in theory, it often breaks down in practice. We have all been hurt by words.A friend of mine recently delivered a program […]
What others are saying about you says more about them than it does about you.
365 Days of Exercise – A goal worth shooting for
My good friend and fabulous business coach Mattison Grey www.greystoneguides was on my radio show last Thursday (Jonathan Manske’s Success Show). Our topic was: The Top 5 Reasons Why People Do Not Achieve Their Goals. (The radio show is archived at http://www.realcoachingradio.com/node/69. It is the January 22 show.) During the course of the show Mattison mentioned a goal […]
A Cure for The Shoulds
2009: The Year of Living ____________ ?
2009: The Year of Living ____________ ? Rather than a New Year’s Resolution that quickly fades, how about choosing a theme for the entire year? For me, 2009 is The Year of Living Boldly! This is the measuring stick against which I get to measure my plans, actions and decisions for the entire year. I […]
Heart Centered Leadership on the Inevitable-Success Show – November 13, 2008
Heart Centered Leadership on the Inevitable-Success Show – November 13, 2008 Interview with Susan Steinbrecher, Institute of Heart-Centered Leadership on www.realcoachingradio.com My guest on today’s show was Susan Steinbrecher, the founder of the Institute of Heart-Centered Leadership and author of Heart Centered Leadership: An Invitation to Lead from the Inside Out. Her company, Steinbrecher and […]
Emotional Flat Tire
Emotional Flat Tire This has happened to you. It has happened to everyone. Something happens in your life and “bamm” you are emotionally as flat as a pancake. Your joy, vitality, enthusiasm, and get-up-and-go have all vanished. You are stuck in the blahs, completely uninspired and don’t want to do anything. You have experienced an […]
The Law of Attraction in Times of High Uncertainty
The Law of Attraction in Times of High Uncertainty Stating the obvious, we are experiencing a period of high uncertainty and most people are “freaking out” about it. The big problem with “freaking out” is that worry, anxiety and panic never improve a situation. The basic premise of The Law of Attraction is that whatever […]
Sales and Marketing for Service Oriented Professionals.
Sales and Marketing for Service Oriented Professionals My guest for the Inevitable Success Radio Show this Thursday, October 9th, is business coach Mattison Grey. www.greystoneguides.com. This will be a fabulous show. Mattison is really good. We will be talking about: Sales and Marketing for Service Oriented Professionals Find your passion, live your dreams, work as […]