The right question

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The right question Do you spend more time asking what is right with me or what is wrong with me? Unfortunately, most people habitually do the latter. Whenever we do that, we pay a significant price in terms of happiness, confidence, self-worth, enthusiasm, productivity, effectiveness . . . Our brains are trained to answer questions. […]

Does this make my life better?

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Does this make my life better? We can have all kinds of reasons and justifications for staying hurt, angry, resentful, regretful, guilty, ashamed . . . But, the question to ask ourselves is: “Does this make my life better?” And, the answer to that is always “NO”. So if it does not make our lives […]

Shoulds hold us in the past

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Shoulds hold us in the past That should not have happened! I should have made a different choice! He shouldn’t have done that! I should be doing better. And so on . . . As long as that should is there in our thinking, we are looking at the past and consequently we are severely […]

Acting in my own best interest

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Acting in my own best interest Say out loud, “It is okay to act in my own best interest.” Notice whether that feels true or not. Many people have some head trash that makes it difficult to act in their own best interest. This could be lack of self-worth, deferring and trading our needs and […]

Darn Weather

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Darn Weather A couple of my friends hosted a networking at the beach event today. They planned a great event and then it was cloudy, windy, and rainy late this afternoon. So, many people who had said that they were going to attend did not attend. This is a great reminder that circumstances outside our […]

Isn’t that interesting aka the freak show

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Isn’t that interesting aka the freak show It is a little known fact but we actually don’t have to take it personally when someone is in a bad mood, treats us poorly, misbehaves, or behaves in a way that we don’t like. Rather than taking it personally, a much better option is to look at […]

Whoa ~ a super deep thought

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Whoa ~ a super deep thought When we make life more fun we will have more fun. We want to enjoy life but do we make the enjoyable things a priority? Or do we get too busy and put those things off. Richard Branson said, “Don’t think of fun as a reward, think of it […]

Value of one push up

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Value of one push up One push up. Does it really matter? By itself, one pushup is insignificant. It isn’t going to change our bodies. But we cannot have a lot of pushups without a bunch of individual insignificant pushups. So, maybe one pushup isn’t so insignificant after all. Each one matters. Each one we […]

Criticism vs. appreciation

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Criticism vs. appreciation  It does not take any more effort to look for things to appreciate in others than it does to look for things to criticize. However, most people are far more willing to criticize than they are to appreciate. It is their habit. Criticism comes with a cost that most people are oblivious […]

I approve of me

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I approve of me  Say out loud, “I approve of me!” Chances are it brings a smile to your face and makes you feel good. Our need for approval (Do they like me? Do I fit in? Do I belong? What do they think of me? Etc.) is a super strong driver in our lives […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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