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I’m tired (fished until 2:00-ish am the last two nights and then got up at 4:30 for my conference call). It hurts to type because my finger tips are cut up and throbbing from fishing. For the first time since I started writing these, I don’t know what to say. When we don’t know what to do – […]

Getting Schooled by the Kenai River

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Getting Schooled by the Kenai River    I’m Salmon fishing in Alaska on the Kenai River. And, man-oh-man has the river been teaching me some lessons the last couple of days. 1)      Comparing does not create happiness ~ Guy from Montana is an amazing fisherman. One afternoon he had more salmon on then the other 10 […]

Back Up On My Soapbox of Celebrating Progress

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Back Up On My Soapbox of Celebrating Progress One of the most useful things you can do for yourself is to learn to celebrate your progress ~ even incremental progress! There are a ton of benefits to this practice. It is a great productivity strategy. Are you more likely to take action after you have […]

Warning Do Not Use Without Adult Supervision

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Warning Do Not Use Without Adult Supervision Here’s the problem, we have been using the label gun without proper wise adult supervision. Consequently, we have stuck all kinds of ridiculous labels on ourselves and even worse – believed that they are true. Here’s just a few of these ridiculous labels I’ve recently encountered: I am […]

Wrestling with an Angel or a Demon (you get to choose)

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Wrestling with an Angel or a Demon (you get to choose) I talked to a friend this morning. He just had a big unexpected expense show up in his life. He shared that he would notice the negative feelings come up (the invitation to be stressed, worried, and anxious) and then he would let go […]

Are You Refueling Or Running On Empty? Tues -7/29

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Are You Refueling Or Running On Empty? Most people are not very good at acknowledging (much less celebrating) progress. When we fail to do this, we deprive ourselves of fuel – excitement, enthusiasm, self-confidence, feelings of well-being, happiness. When we lack fuel, we feel tired and burned out. Inspired action and a positive attitude become […]

Free Fish Society ~ are you a member?

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Free Fish Society ~ are you a member?     Imagine that you are a fish and that you are swimming along when suddenly right in front of you is a big juicy worm. What do you do next? That worm sure looks deliciously tempting. It is a tasty looking invitation to take a bite. […]

Campfire of Passion and Purpose

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Campfire of Passion and Purpose There’s an illusion that once you find your passion – purpose – big why, it will hold on to you, take over, and never let go. It doesn’t work that way. If you want your campfire to keep burning, you have to keep adding wood to the fire. If you […]

Redefining Leadership

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Redefining Leadership Old school leadership says that good leaders have all the answers. Wow, what an impossible position. Let’s redefine what it means to be a good leader. What if we can let go of needing to have all the answers already and can instead ask the best questions to elicit the answer(s)! What if […]

Is It Really Worth It?

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Is it really worth it? This morning I asked myself this question, “Is this really worth getting your undies in a twist over?” The answer was, “of course not!!!” But I was getting myself upset over a minor thing, and talking to myself in my head about it. I stopped because it wasn’t worth it. […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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