Archives for April 2016

The Terrible Horrible Lie of Scarcity

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The Terrible Horrible Lie of Scarcity There is such a horrible lie of scarcity in our culture and in our world that does so much damage! The lie goes something like this: there’s only a limited amount so the more that I have, the less there is for others. This puts us into the bind […]

A little tug-of-war

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A little tug-of-war Hopefully you are doing business from a perspective of wanting to serve, contribute, and make others better off. However, sometimes that “what about me” creeps in. Will I get my fair share? Will I get my needs met? Etc. This sort of thinking is a really quick way to sabotage a beautiful […]


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Rejection Most people have a deep seated fear of rejection. And that rejection usually means: I don’t matter, I don’t belong, or I’m not enough. However, no one actually has the power to truly reject another person because rejection is just an opinion – not the truth. So when we experience rejection, we are actually […]

Monsignors Dewey Cheetem & Howe

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Monsignors Dewey Cheetem & Howe Let’s hop in our time machine and travel back to the middle ages where we will meet some very slick con men who disguised themselves as priests. These bad boys hit upon an awesome scam – let’s misquote the Bible and in so doing convince people of 3 things: 1) […]

Better Off

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Better Off People often get trapped in their heads about doing business and making sales. They question things like: Is it okay to sell? Am I taking this person’s money which leaves less for them? Is it okay to reach out to someone from my past simply to try and do business? Are they just […]

How do I overcome what my brain sees as normal, a set point?

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How do I overcome what my brain sees as normal, a set point? I was asked this question today and here are a couple of thoughts: It’s useful to view ourselves as sculptors. They take thousands of hammer swings as they chip away and the work of art emerges. Every swing moves the project forward. […]

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